Jul 21, 2005 10:05
my life is a bunch of countdowns.
gross, but here they are, and they make me HAPPY.
this weekend is going to be amazing, and the following week. first, tomorrow (friday) christina is coming from LA (yay!) one of my best buds who i havent seen in a year (WHOA) Then on sat, she, alexis, and i are going to the falcon ridge folk festival for hippie love, dar williams, AND ani difranco! awesomeness. then I have monday off to recoup and go to class (ugh) and christina is staying until thurs! i have dinner weds with aimee (my first cuz) who's movin to ourkansas with the boyfriend. SO, aside from work and school (which will take up mucho time and suck a lot) next week will kick ass. Not to mention that my bday is on Sunday the 31st (I'M ALMOST 20 AND NO LONGER A TEENAGER!!! WHOA!!!) so next weekend will be b-day fun- friday in nyc with lex for a quiet dinner, sat in jerz with the girls for a TGIF dinner, sunday with the rents for breakky and presentsss, and sun night in the city for a par-tay! :)
so the next week is gonna be amazing, and after that i only have one more week of school and work. so- all in all it's not so bad.
but anyway, here the countdowns be:
11 more days of work
9 days until my 20th b-day!
8 more days of class
3 more papers
that's not so bad...the only thing that sucks mucho are the papers and i'l get through it. ::breathes:: 3/4 done with summer school........it's ALMOST over, friends!!! yay
(then a week of relaxing in the city and a week or more @ home in jerz!!! YAY!)