LJ Username Change!!!

May 11, 2008 02:43

It's been bugging me that my AIM screen name and my LJ username are the same. In all honesty, I don't love the idea that anyone I IM can see which communities I watch and comment in, etc. Therefore, I've decided to stop using the FRG username everywhere that's not AIM. Also, I really don't like the old username (folk rocker grrr? really?!) as I came up with it in like...6th grade. SO: I bought a "rename token" and am using it. Nowstyle.

"apophantic" is my new username. It's a term used in philosophy that I really like.

Here is the wikipedia definition:
An assertion (as opposed to a question, a doubt or a more expressive sense) is apophantic. It is a statement that covers up meaning and just gives us something as present-at-hand. For Instance, "The President is on vacation", and, "Salt is Sodium Chloride" are sentences that, because of their apophantic character, can easily be picked-up and repeated in news and gossip by 'The They.' However, the real ready-to-hand meaning and context may be lost.

Here is a definition from Roderick Munday's Heideggerian Glossary:
APOPHANTIC: A term coined by Aristotle to designate a certain kind of judgement, which, he claimed, could ascertain what is false and what is true about phenomena. However, an apophantic judgement does not arrive at its verdict by comparing true entities with false ones, but by examining and evaluating the entities in themselves. This is why Heidegger was so keen on the method for his phenomenology [ref. ¶ 7, page 56]. Heidegger argues that the comparative methods of judging actually obscures the truth, because it is a placing of something in front of something else. Therefore in order to discover the truth, one must apprehending the being of an entity in and for itself.

Apophantic judgements are made either by attributing a predicate to a subject (insofar as it pertains to the subject as a property of it); or conversely denying a predicate to a subject (insofar as it does not pertain to it), However in both cases the subject and predicates belong to the entity itself and not to something else. Thus, from this ontological basis Aristotle claimed that apophantic judgements could establish the "pure forms" of all possible true (and false) predications and Heidegger claimed by using them he could avoid basing his philosophy on the comparative method of judgment (so that his would not be a mere philosophy of appearances) [ref. ¶ 7, Page 52 - 53]. (This explanation of apophantic was adapted from www.marcuse.org).

I like it as a concept and how it could be applied to a journal. I'm not claiming that I use it as Heidegger does, but merely that it's a term, idea, concept, and especially a means of articulating myself that I value.

(Also, it's not intrinsically unique nor easily linked to me, but does have a significance for me. w00t.)

lj stuff, paid account, philosophy

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