holy shit, circa 2002-2003 (as is my icon)

Feb 14, 2010 00:40

This morning, I was supposed to drive to Northampton, MA to visit a friend. Yesterday was a really LONG and ROUGH work day, and this weekend was supposed to be a mini-vacation to visit Alexis, my ex-girlfriend and current best friend in Northampton, MA. However, the HUGE PILE OF ICE ALL AROUND MY CAR had different plans. I was blocked in, and couldn't drive to MA. Trains were either booked or too expensive. The bus would have resulted in my own personal insanity, as a 3 hour drive takes almost 6 on the bus.

I was pissed. Thursday and Friday were rough work days. Friday, I worked for eleven hours straight and was so amped up that I couldn't fall asleep until 6am. I'm coordinating a webcast while working on a tour, along with a million other projects, and it's just...a lot. I love it, but this week was more stress than love. I needed a break, and I was going to have one, until the ice LITERALLY got in my way.

I pouted for most of the day, but then at about 6PM Bitch texted me asking me if I was going to the Melissa Ferrick show tonight. I said no; I had thought about it, but I didn't want to pay for it and I was in a Bad Mood. Bitch asked if I would make flyers for her March show in Brooklyn and come to tonight's show (only ten blocks from my apartment) if Melissa put me on the guest list. I wasn't thrilled to have to put on Real Pants (rather than PJs), but I said "yes" anyway.

So, I made the flyers, got dressed, and went to the show. I caught the end of the opening act, which was great. I saw some people I knew, and that was nice. While Bitch, billiE (Bitch's gf), and Melissa got ready for the show backstage, I flyered for Bitch's show and set up my camera, which was fun and easy. However, I was still in Bad Mood Zone. Then, Melissa's set began.

She. Was. Awesome. I loved Melissa Ferrick when I was in high school, and I have seen her several times since then. In June, I took photos of her show for her management team and met her briefly. Then, I ran into her at the Michigan Womyn's Music Fest and she remembered meeting me in June, which surprised me. Basically, I loved her music when I was younger, interacted her briefly in the recent past, and have always appreciated her music.

Tonight, Melissa Ferrick put my name on the guestlist and invited me backstage. I hung out with my friends (Bitch and billiE) along with Bitch's friend, Melissa. I met a funny, talented lady who was a blast to hang out with, and who thanked me for coming to the show.

I didn't really want to go out tonight, but I had a really good time at a work-related event; I saw a great show and hung out with a cool group of friends.

Then, I got home and realized what had just happened. My High School Self kicked-in and I totally fangirled out realizing that Melissa Ferrick actually wanted to talk to me, hug me, and comp'ed me into her show. High School Laura thought that this was the COOLEST THING EVER, but the person I am now just sees this as a normal, fun night.

High School Laura will never be completely gone; when I meet these awesome people, there's always going to be a part of me that's in awe, because I knew "of" them before I actually KNEW them. However, I'm really glad that my life has taken me in a direction where these kinds of interactions are normal for me; I still have FUN, but in a normal way, rather than in a fan!girl way.

After a really stressful work week, I'm now VERY glad that my car got iced in. Why? Because tonight reminded me that I LOVE WHAT I'M DOING. I love the music, I love the people who have become my friends and those who I am just meeting. I love being surrounded by art and creativity, and being pushed to be resourceful and creative, myself. I fell into this job accidentally, and I'm SO GLAD that I did.

Tonight, I realized that no matter how stressed-out or poor I might be right now or in the coming months, I Am Happy. If my seventeen-year-old self could see into the future and know what her life would be like in seven years, she would be ECSTATIC. I was happy when I was seventeen; I knew who I was and I truly liked that person. Now, it's like my life has come full-circle; once again, I'm happy with the person I've become, the life that I'm living, and the path that I'm traveling along. It's nights like tonight that make me realize this in the midst of a stressful time and, for that, I am oh-so-thankful.

My hopes and dreams are coming true--not as I imagined, but in MUCH BETTER WAYS. I am so thankful for that, and I wish you all the same.


ponderings, antisocial tendencies, music

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