Schmeh? Schmehhhh...

Oct 23, 2009 10:47

I have not posted in a LONG, long (long!) time. I have kept up on my f-list, though, so I know what's going on with all of you.

This seems somewhat creepy, but whatevs.


I'm in my last year of law school. Thank goodness. My classes are fine, but I'm no longer remotely excited about them. This is, in part, because I'm just DONE with being in school, but also partially because, I think, I'm realizing that it's going to be very hard for me to actually practice as a lawyer, as there are like, NO JOBS right now. Fail. I'm hoping to work in the non-profit world, but might end up working for a small firm. We'll see. I might also just run with this whole photography thing, as that's going rather well.

Speaking of which, photo = taking off. I have more job offers than the time to do them, which is great. I need to be paid more for my work, but I'll start demanding that once I get my professional photo site up and my taxes organized.

My internship is still going exceedingly well--the event I coordinated with my internship and my law school student organizations was written up in the NYTimes!!! Epic. WIN. Also, the case I worked on this summer was mentioned in Congress during the deliberations regarding the hate crimes bill that passed yesterday--also EPIC WIN!

So, law school, photo, internship. What else? Friends. My friends are amazing, as usual. Some of my friends are in a band called "Jupiter One," which is now on a national tour with Regina Spektor--effing awesome! Another friends' band, "The Stationary Set," just got singed to management by the head of Vice Records. Also, I've been doing some photo jobs for Vice Records, which is EXCELLENT.

Through photo I've made a number of wonderful friends, who are also sort of well-known in the music biz--this is great because it's allowing me to help less well-known friends make connections, too. I love that feeling. :) It's the feeling of community growing, expanding, and sharing love and good-vibes with all. *hippie love moment* LOL!

Also...I'm totally crushed out on a girl. Er...woman. She's a lesbian comedian who has headline the Dinah Shore weekend, opened the Gay Games, and performed in front of thousands of people on Atlantis and Olivia cruises. She's been on HBO, Showtime, A&E, VH1, Comedy Central, etc. etc. etc. I knew NONE of this when I met her (oops? lol!) but we immediately had a connection. I met her this summer at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival (I know, SUCH a stereotype lesbo thing to do) and we stayed in touch. I saw her again in September when she was doing a show in NYC. After that, we started talking almost every day. Then, I went to visit her a week and a half ago in Provincetown, MA (gay gay gay GAY town in Cape Cod) and we FINALLY determined that we're...sort of dating. I mean, she's not my girlfriend or anything, but I like her a LOT, we hooked up, and we talked about our feelings. (ZOMG SO GAY, LOL!)

ANYWAY--long story longer: we have friends in common, tons of interests in common, and have a great connection. BUT, she lives in LA and...she's 27 years older than me. Twenty. Seven. Years. Obviously, I'm totally attracted to her and we have a connection that age clearly hasn't hurt, but still...I keep thinking that 27 years is a big difference. I'm not sure what it means, but I need to process this somehow and figure it all out.

Have any of you been in relationships with this big of an age difference? I mean, not that we're in a relationship (WE ARE SO NOT) but...I'm thinking about it.

I'm going to see her when I'm in LA for Thanksgiving, and I'm pretty damn excited about it. I miss her. :(

Also, my car got towed today. It's my own damn fault, but still. FRUSTRATION. Now I have to pay all of my parking tickets that I've been putting off. Tickets + tow fee...this is gonna cost about $1000. That makes me nauseated. Thank goodness Mom is gonna help me out, though I'll have to pay her back incrementally. GAH. LOATHE NYC PARKING RULES.

And now, back to my regularly scheduled WORK, LOL!

photo, dating, law schoolery, tldef, update, travel

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