Apr 10, 2007 02:13
If I died would you:
Go to the funeral?
Try and make others feel better?
Go to the wake?
Have a party afterwards?
Have a party afterwards celebrating the life I had?
If I was shot, would you:
Visit me in the hospital?
Call the others?
Pray for me?
Worry about me?
On my birthday, you would:
Have Fun?
Go to the party?
Give me a hug?
Give me a kiss (on the cheek or otherwise)?
Give me a present?
Plan a suprise party?
Give me money?
If I was to get married, would you:
Be the bride/groom?
Be the Maid of Honor/Best Man?
Attend the wedding?
Travel across the country to get to my wedding?
Through me a batchelor/bachelorette party?
We are in war together. You:
Are my ally?
Are my friend?
Would risk your life for me?
Would carry me to the Medic?
Would share your rations with me?
Would trust me with your life?