Nov 26, 2007 21:53
I'm fucking pissed off.. I'm on my way home from jenn's and my windsheild wipers eihter work or they dont so they decide the fucking break on my way home. and every couple of minutes it keeps getting worse and when i got home i took it off and it fucking scratched my entire windsheild.. ive never been so fucking ripped in my life. i fucking hate my windsheild wipers so much.. they dont even do their job. i'm fucking PISSED off.
other than that my day's been decent. I hung out with jenn and nick. I realized me and nick argue constantly. It's so much fun and jenn's like hey why cant we argue and nick goes because your my girlfrined i dont want to make you upset i'm like oh okay.. well your a chick then and ya we made fun of eachother and then he asked me why im so angry all the time and i go iuno because im irish.. and im a stubburn asshole. went to the laundry mat. watched superbad! helllll yeah.
this week can't go by any slower.