Character Profile Meme

Aug 21, 2010 12:54

Name: Colette Brunel
Age: Physically 16, 18 in Paradisa
Birthdate: March 10th (munfudged :3)
Birthplace: Iselia
Bloodtype: AB (munfudged as well!)
Dominant Hand: Right handed
Eyesight: 20/10 or probably bettter. She has super advanced angel vision so... heh.

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 97lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Pale

Favourite food: Fruit! This girl... will make an entire meal based around fruit, I kid you not. Her favorites are really sweet fruits like strawberries and raspberries, but she loves all of them.
Favourite colour: Light Blue
Favourite movies: She probably loves most kinds of movies, in particular romances, Disney movies, heroic adventure movies... She's pretty easy to please.
Favourite books: She doesn't read that often, but she loves fairy tales.
Favourite music: Cutesy pop music.... But she also likes that style of music where it's just one girl and a guitar, really simple acoustic stuff.
Favourite weather: Bright sunny blue sky days ♥
Favourite sport/physical activity: Games like tag or hide and seek
Favourite date spot: In a park on a sunny day, with a fountain playing... fetch with a cute dog.
Preferred type: SHONNEN SPIRIT!!!! People who are brave, kind, idealistic, maybe a little bit silly, and a bit dorky.
Best subject: Languages! She's not really that great of a student, truth be told

Disliked food: Green peppers, pepper, bitter foods
Disliked colour: Black
Disliked movies: Horror movies, any movie that focuses around someone in intense pain
Disliked books: Most difficult books, ahaha
Disliked music: Death 'BROOHAHAAAA' metal
Disliked animal: Deep sea angler fish!
Disliked weather: Bleak weather where you can't see the sky at all, and it feels like the world is going to end.
Disliked sport/physical activity: Anything where she has to run a lot, because that normally ends with her face meeting the ground.
Disliked date spot: Going clubbing :( all the lights and music would probably hurt her ears/eyes
Disliked type: No one? THERE IS GOOD IN EVERYONE
Worst subject: Math, science, common... sense...

Description of bedroom:
Super pretty, airy, and full of light! She loves to keep the windows open, and has these light see-through white curtains bunched to the side. In the center is a red butterfly charm to sparkle in the sunlight. Next to the window is a wicker chair with cooshy padding to curl up in and look out the window. The floors are wooden and a little creaky when you walk on them, but she likes that :3 Against the wall is a wooden bed, with giant fluffy white down comforter and big fluffy light blue pillows to snuggle in. She also has a quilt folded at the end of the bed, just for when it gets cold. Next to the pillows are stuffed animals (a growlith plushie, and a dog plushie with wings on the back) which she arranges every morning to look super alert and adorable.

On the wall across from the windows is a desk that doesn't look used, but it has quite a few cookbooks stacked in the corner, and a book of fairy tales. On the other side of the door (which has a hook on the back with a few aprons and a chef hat on it) is a closet that doesn't have a lot of clothes, and a special section for gifts that she's received! Finally, on the wall opposite of her bed is a dresser with a jewelry box in the center. Posted around the mirror are pictures, drawings by Joshua, and any cards that she's ever received. Finally, in the corner are three dog beds, a giant one for her Arcanine, and two smaller ones for Biscuit and Splatter. Her kitty normally sleeps on her bed with Colette, so there is probably some cat hair on the comforter asdlghas.

Overall, it's super breezy, lots of wood and yellow and white, and little knick knacks on every surface. (specifics are here)

Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): She loves simple flower scents like peach blossom, and clean smells like fresh linen.
Laugh: She has a few laughs. There is her fake!laugh which is more of an giggle, which she uses to cover up any discomfort she is feeling. Her genuine laugh is nicer, and just one of those laughs that comes from the soul
Sense of humour: She's so oblivious, and a lot of jokes go right over her head. I don't know, she has a simple sense of humor?
Temper: Colette doesn't get mad, it's a proven fact. She might be filled with ~righteous justice~ and fight against people who hurt others, but she doesn't actually get mad at other people. She's saddened by the sin, but she understands that every person makes mistakes. Instead, she just wants to help people, and find a solution where everyone can be happy.
Basic nature: Sweet, simple, kindhearted, and selfless. She loves the people around her, and all of her actions come from a deep desire to help others.
Kinsey rating: X? WHAT IS SEX SHE ASKS?

Spends money on: Stuff for her pets, food, stuff for others :)
Daily rituals: Wake up early, pray, walk around the garden for a bit, make breakfast, go food shopping, visit people that she's worried about, play with her pets, make a small lunch to share with Joshua, visit Joshua, go to work at the pet shop, mess up at the pet shop, stay late cleaning up the pet shop, make dinner, watch the sun set, play with her pets again, pray, go to bed
Random trivia: She is fluent not only in common language, but Angelic as well! She also has excellent hearing and vision, to the point where it can be kind of painful if she's around really loud noises.
Currently wants: Help Joshua, be with Lloyd, find a way for everyone to go home...
Dress (style, colors): Retarded video game clothes? After New York week she experimented in modern clothes, but she still generally dresses the same. She wears skirts, tights, boots/mary janes, sweaters, blouses... During summer she wears more sundresses!
Current occupation: Chosen of Regeneration (on hold), pet shop worker :3 Joshua's babysitter
Marital status: Single.
Current Residence: 1210 in the castle

Sun sign: Pices

Dominant character traits: Selfless, sacrificing, caring, happy, ditzy, optimistic, empathetic, considerate
Likeable traits: She loves everyone around her, and cares about everyone unconditionally. She's loving, sweet, kind, simple, and easy to get along with. She's also pretty darn adorable, and a great friend to have looking out for you. She also forgives people without question, and will always be there to help you get back up on your feet after you screw up.
Annoying traits: She is pretty much never completely honest with anyone, and it's very very hard for her to share her true worries, and pain with others. Because of that, she can be very secretive and hide critical information until it's too late. She can also be a class A ditz, a total dork, and is a complete klutz.

Love interest(s): Lloyd forever and ever ♥ She loves him so much, and now that she's finally come to terms with it... idk, she doesn't want to initiate anything here in Paradisa, because of the chance that one of them will leave, and the other one will be lonely after. So she'll just adore him from afar... Like the dork she is.
Lust interest(s): ... What is lust, she asks
Close friends: Lloyd, Genis, and while it's in a different way, she's incredibly close with Raine and Yuan. As for Paradisa friends, she counts Allen, Erica, Sora, and Cloud are the people that she's closest too... although she would still be really hesitant to be completely honest with them.
Other friends: Oh, idk, EVERYONE SHE'S EVER MET EVER?
Acquaintances: People that she's only spoken to once. Everyone else, get ready for friend list!
Family: So in the game we only see her Grandma (who was a sweetie) and her Dad (who was kind of cold). She might have more family members, but we're not sure, and it doesn't really matter because she's forgotten them in Paradisa!

Habits: She giggles when she's nervous/sad/depressed. She also has this habit of going a bit over the top when she gets excited ("I'm so excited", "I'm so happy!")
Talents: Being nice?
Hobbies: Playing with animals, baking, arts and crafts, talking to people
Entertainment of choice: Spending time with others, or animals
Musical talents: She loves to siiiiiing, but doesn't do it very often. Although she hums to herself pretty much all the time.
Ambitions: She wants to be worthy of her title as Chosen! Now that the world is so changed, she wants to be a person who can shoulder the suffering of others, and bring them peace and happiness. Aka, she wants to take care of everyone, and be a strong enough person so that she can handle it.
Educational background: She was taught by Professor Sage her whole life, but isn't very book smart. She has an extensive knowledge of religious history but... well, it's fake.
Philosophy of life: Every life is precious.

Introvert/extrovert: Introvert
Intuitive/reasoning: Intuitive
Optimist/pessimist: Optimistic to a fault
Tense/relaxed: Relaxed, and when she's not, she tries her best to seem relaxed.
Serious/carefree: Carefree, but more serious then she seems.
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