black dog

May 27, 2005 23:38

Well, today was relaxing if nothing else. I had woken up thinking I would cut the grass, but I never did. Karen is moving to SC for a couple of months, so I'll be sorta all by myself here. I ate lunch with Josie today before she had to go to work, it was nice being able to talk with her outside of work, even if all I talked about was Stephi anyways. :P I really do miss you Demi, come back soon.

I then proceeded to go to Oxford Lumber and priced some lattice work, I'm going to finish the lattice under the porch so the cats will have a nice hiding place. I'm also going to put the cat-house under there so they'll have a place to sleep at night. I might get the stuff to build another as well. I'd have to take the stuff to my dad's house to build it though, seeing as he would have the tools neccessary to the construction. I might do all this sunday, I think he's off then. I'll have to do it before work though, which will be a pain in the ass. Wednesday and Thursday will be busy, caring for post-operative kitties and what-have-you.

After I went to Oxford Lumber I went over to Nick's, but he wasn't there. I tried going home to find his number, but I couldn't find it. So, I went back to Oxford, went to Love-Stuff and bought some Nag Champa to make the house smell good. Bored, I decided to go the mall where I went to Walden Books and was forced to make a decision, buy Chuck Palahnuik's new book, Haunted which sounded fantastic, or a collection of Hemingway's short stories. I talked to the two women who worked there about it, and had a nice conversation about postmodernism. In the end I opted for the Palahnuik book, which is quite good so far. It's about a group of writers who are trapped in an abadoned theater, but I'm not that far into it. Also, Hellsing VI is out and it's awesome, I read the entire thing. ^^

While I was in Walden, Natalie (who now works at Rue 21) tapped me on the shoulder. After talking with the ladies and purchasing aforementioned novel, I went over to Rue and talked to Natalie for quite a while about a lot of things. Too many things to reprint here, for many reasons. Eventually I left, and headed to Books A Million to see if anyone was there. I saw Jen's car there, but she was nowhere to be found, which made me kinda disappointed. I talked to Tiffany Becker for a while (who's apparently 3 months pregnant) and ended up giving her a ride out of charity. I met Scott on the way out, and I decided to go back and hang out with him. I did, and we talked for a while before he decided to go over to Joanna's house. He wanted me to accompany him, but I decided against it, as Dewey would be there. So, after saying goodbye, I went back inside BAM and read out of The War of the Worlds until the store closed.

So, I drove home, and here I am. I'll probably head over to Karen's in a minute. We've actually been getting along pretty well these past few days.

You know, I never realized how much gas we wasted until I started driving myself to work. One week and I've used a half of a tank of gas, in actuallity on a quarter from driving to work. I used about a quarter today driving to and fro. This allowed me to spend a little more money today (probably a little more than I should've though, but I'll be fine) since my gas budget can be a little smaller. I'm pretty sure I won't even have to put more gas into the tank until Friday. That's a pretty awesome feeling. 0-o

Oh, I forgot, somewhere in between all that I went to Wal-Mart and bought some DODERANT and shampoo (mik and honey yumm) in addition to a nice looking watch. It was only 10 bucks though! I looked at prepaid phones for a long time, but decided against it. I wasn't ready to part with almost a hundred dollars for a cheap phone, a charger, and 40 minutes of airtime. Fuck that shit. I'll just pay $13 for a 100 hours of Skype, which I shall do. I also forgot that I stopped at Angel Heart Tattoo to see if Natalie was there, but it was a $6 cover and the band sounded like crap so I said fuck all that. After that I went home.

I think I may have a way to go to E3 next year. The Universal Life Church lets you buy press passes, so since I'm a reverend I can get one. SCORE. I'd just need a plane ticket. :(

More on that later though, for now I go. I love you Stephi! PS asmodeus is hacking a hairball and it's horrible. :/ big rhonda misses you.
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