After a long, hard, grueling, torturous five-weeks of being bombarded with work that fell like a Russian blizzard, I'm finally done and I'm finally HOME!
Oh, boy. It feels too good to be back. And, to tell you the truth, after spending five-weeks in a ginormous quad that become my new home, literally and figuratively, it felt kind of...weird coming back to this white room with the random muscular system poster and the guitar poster and the computer and the dusty piano. It felt like I walked into someone else's room.
Maybe I did. -_-
I dunno. It feels normal again, now. But, come August 23rd, I'm gonna have to permanently get used to that...if I ever come back to this room again after that date, since there's obviously..."nothing" worth visiting in this apartment.
Well, as for the program itself, it was awesome. Despite the insane amounts of work and stress, I had tons of fun. I'm glad I did it, really. If it weren't for this program, I wouldn't have met so many cool people from so many different places and learned so many things. I'd just be sitting on my butt, doing nothing here.
So, everything is swell. ^_^
The program had an unhappy ending, though. It's kind of graphic (or at least I think it is) so feel free to skip the next paragraph. It's a very emo paragraph, anyway, so if you're emophobic (yes, emophobic), then just skip over it. You have been warned by the Emergency Emo System.
Thursday, the last day of classes, this one idiotic clique of idiots decided to be idiots and smuggle in alcohol and liquor (as they had been for the whole five week, underneath the supervisors's noses) to "celebrate" their newfound freedom. Mind you, no mother flucker in the program was 21 or up and, even if somebody was, alcohol was prohibited in the program. That didn't stop anybody from drinking whole bottles of half-Mountain Dew/half-vodka, though. Unfortunately, that didn't stop a friend of mine, either, who came back to his room at 2AM or something like that and threw up in his sink to the point where he clogged it. I almost watched him sleep like a baby afterwards into what probably would've been his death until a supervisor barged in on him in the middle of throwing up into a garbage can from the hallway and said he was throwing up blood and that if he slept, he might vomit in his sleep and choke to death on it. So, with that said, I proceeded to haul ass by forcing him to take a cold shower and helping him remain calm through a panic attack, since he thought he was gonna die or be kicked out (in which case, you might as well be "dead"). Thank God he's fine now, though. Everyone who drank or witnessed drinking but said nothing just got 2 penalty points (getting 10 sets you up for suspension or expulsion). So, that was that, and then a friend of mine didn't even end up passing the program, which means the college is rejecting him. Busting his balls in nine subjects for five weeks, making such cool friends with people, getting his room assignment and roommate, even having a facebook with a few dozen friends with friends on his wall having said "See you in the fall!" (before we all found out, of course) and now it all means nothing. Now, he has to either reapply again or elsewhere for Spring (which it might be too late for) or reapply again or elsewhere for next fall.
Well, despite the unhappy ending, everything in general was awesome. Got a total of $190 (for $35 a week, if I did my math right...which I probably didn't, but, ask me if I care) and a bunch of new friends to boot.
I hope I didn't miss much around here. x_x
Happy Belated Birthday to Jill, John, Tia, and any other bastard I may have missed. ^_^
RA = Something Assistant (I forget what the R stands for). They're basically upperclassmen supervisors who volunteered to...supervise. They get paid good to put up with our asses, I guess. = \
All pictures, unless otherwise noted, were taken by Kumar, except for first one, which was someone else.
Stephanie looking soooo kawaaaaiiiiii ^_^
7/9, Trip to Six Flags: One of my roomates, Yi Ao (Yao when playing basketball, Leo every other time), and Liuhong Fu (I like calling him Fu ^_^)
Kumar: this guy is hardcore. In and out of sports, he leaps, hops, dives, and defies gravity like it's nothing. x_x
7/10: Who are these people? And who's that sexy guy in the middle with the bucket hat? O_O
More people!
Left to right: Ashley, Jai ("Jay"), my third roommate, and TiDelco (Tigga...or, as we wrote on his door, TiDildo XD), mah nextdoor neighbor
Ashley and Karan (Kumar's twin). Those are my fingers sticking out of his head. >=D
Justin C, Ramadan, Luvuyo, and Some Sexy Beast ^_^
7/17, Trip to NYC, Beauty and the Beast: Left to right: Karan, Jeff (RA), Stephy, Kumar, Jia, Jai (top), Fu (bottom), Ting Ting, Leo
C'mon, ladies. The camera won't bite. XD
Tatyana, Ashley, Karan, Kathy K, and Stephanie R
That's Joshua, second in from the right
During intermission of Beauty and the Beast
Ashley W and Tatyana
Byron. He's a crazy mutha. x_x
A prettier version. I like the window view, at least. ^_^
Allison Chou...simply and affectionally called "Chou". One of our RAs.
Fu and Kumar
Jeff, one of our RAs. This was...somewhat candid. I wouldn't wanna mess with him. >_>
Jai's infamous fist
Candid. Raymunas is sleeping. Doesn't it look freaky, though?
Ting Ting and Jia. Ting Ting has the prettiest name. Literally: it means "Pretty Pretty". It just makes you go "OMFG, THAT'S SO KYUUUUUUUUUTE!
Justin, Erin, and Lyndra
Lyndra, up close and personal. One of the only pictures I, myself, took with my new, cheap camera. = \