"And we'll make love while watching PotC?"

Mar 10, 2006 22:17

xD Well,I know now where to go to get laid.

Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
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Ok This Is The Sex Bunny
If You Recieve This Bunny
That Means Your Fuckin Sexy
If You Get This Back
That Means Your Even Sexier
Pass This Bunny On To 10
Of Your Friends
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
I got it from a guuuuuuy O:
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
I was like, 'wtf'?
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
And now I give it to you.
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Because, dont me mind if I say, I would so fuck you. xDDD
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Whooooo *twirls*
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
Wow, that made my night
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
I know where to go now to get laid
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Awww yeah
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
Can I dress up like a pirate?
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Yeaaaaah xD
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
Pirate sex?
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
And we'll make love while watching PotC?
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
And uh- get drunk and stuff.
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
That'd be hot.
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
On rum
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
I wonder if any one has done that before.
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
We'll be the first lmao
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
We'll buy one of those TVs that run on batteries
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
We'll make the news!
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Make news as the two hot pirate girls who have sex on the beach.
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
And we'll be an attraction.
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
Johnny Depp will ask for OUR autograph
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Hell yes
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
And we'll be FAMOUS.
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
For having sex.
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
How cool is that!?
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
on the beach
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
dressed as pirates
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
watching PotC
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
And drunk on rum.
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
They'd like put us in the XXX version of PotC
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
We all know there is one
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Oh, probably.
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
Or, we'll be the first and it'll start a new fad.
Lauren! At The Disco : : ["How are we going to get it upstairs into the toilet, without bringing the toilet down here?" -Jenna] says:
>_> yeah, fad.
[ Starlit Eyes ] says:
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