Jun 27, 2008 01:34
OMG? What a surprise... this still works. I'm stoked to see it still alive and stuff. Weee
Anyway, long story short: I'm doing really well. Still have but a few friends in the DFW area... probably five or less? But I'm not going to fret.
I have a job now, I work for CMC and it's pretty cool. AP is a very nice department. I'm really hoping to start school in August. I just need to take care of some money issues. Nevertheless, I'll be praying my heart out to start.
I still don't have a car.... BUT Tim says he'll try and help me get one. I really wanna get a 2006 or newer VW Jetta. Preferably RED with tan leather... but that's just being picky. I dunno... oh wells :)
I bought a Nikon D60 recently and OMG... it's the bomb! I absolutely love that camera. I recently took it with me to NOLA on my birthday holiday. Its' performance was outstanding; I'm so glad I purchased it!
I'm impatiently awaiting July 11th, that's when the new iPhone3G comes out. I CANNOT wait any longer... I just wanna get rid of my current iPhone and get the new so ASAP!! ahhhh I can't wait any longer. :-)
You know what's really funny... I'll probably forget about this LiveJournal again and remember it in about three, or four, or even five months later and laugh at what i've typed. Fun, huh???
I am so in Love with Björk now. I can't get enough of Esthero and Julieta Venegas is just so awesome. Janet's new album is so hot. Kylie is banging. What else is new? Umm... I get the "Valley Blue's" often... but I try and hold those nostalgic feelings back for fear of woebegone.
I love Tim with all my heart.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'll see you in a while.