May 04, 2010 13:38

 Today is May 4...Star Wars day - MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!!!

Yep, today celebrates the greatest saga ever told!  I love these movies!

Favorite characters: Luke Skywalker and Padme Amidala (in the first two she was amazing, I swear the third one had bad lines because that was Lucas's version of 'hormonal')

Favorite episode: Return of the Jedi, it's just...awesome.  It's not depressing, it's uplifting, and Luke really grew up over the three movies.  Also - it's his own lightsaber, not his father's.

I just wish that red didn't always mean 'dark side' when it comes to lightsaber choices.  (On a side note, spell check, lightsaber is too a word!)  Red is my favorite color, so it should be the choice for me without any light/dark side issues.

I wish Star Wars M&Ms were still in circulation, I would buy a ton again and save the wrappers (again).  In case you can't tell, I'm a huge fan.

I think I need a Padme icon....


star wars

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