About FRIENDSONLY posts and locked material

Feb 05, 2009 18:01

Few weeks ago I was talking to a great friend of mine who's here on livejournal too and she told me that some people we both know said that I post some "serious things" that happen in my life in a non-locked post so they can read it even if they're not in my friendlist.
Same stuff has been asked to me about the fact that I lock graphics and fanfictions and let my "real life" unlocked for everyone to read.

This is the point.

I don't give a HUGE damn about who inthe world reads what happens in my life.
People don't know who I am so why am I supposed to care if they know I didn't pass an exam or I suffer of health problems or have no money for this or that? My life is "public" because I live in public. I don't care if someone I don't know personally can read about my new haircut, about me arguing or going here and there. It's life, I do those things among people so why should I hide them? There's nothing bad in writing down and letting people read about the last time I hopped on a train or bought a skirt or had trouble sleeping.
I think that leaving my life "open" to people allows maybe someone to comment and give me some good advices I couldn't have gotten if the post had been friendsonly locked.
Plus, I really don't think that random people read my livejournal and care about what I write X)

I lock my graphics, my icons, my fanfictions and everything slightly "artistic" I make because I only want people I trust to see them.
I trust my friendslist totally. I had several experiences of my work being stolen or reproduced without crediting me and I really didn't like it. At all. It's annoying to see what I put effort in stolen by someone or being criticized by someone else who doesn't even know how I work or what it means to me.
That's why I only leave my friends to see and read and experience my artistic side. My friends are people I really care about and whose opinion I really trust and care about. If my friends who know me comment about something, I trust them.
I sometimes unlock post (or post fanfictions in communities) but only when I'm completely satisfied or sure enough.

...I couldn't have a completely friendsonly-locked because... I forget locking posts XD I sometimes have to edit graphic-related posts to lock them and God knows how lazy I am X)

...'twas just to post something XD I'm reeeaaalllyy uninspired.

livejournal, friends

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