2008: the things that changed my life

Jan 05, 2009 14:45

I have never done before a rank of what happened to me on a past year after the new year's eve. I thiught it was nice to do but quite...I mean everybody expects you to do so and it's simply not how I work. But this year (especially for the fact that I'd do ANYTHING to procrastinate my rendez-vous with the Functional Grammar book) I thought it would be nice. 2008 hasn't been THAT special and I think 2009 won't change much (I'm waiting for 2010 'cause I got a special theory about it so this 2009 will be a sort of "waiting-room") but it's nice to see that even in the overall darkness, some things definitely HAVE changed my life.
I don't feel grown or anything. I don't feel wiser or prettier or stronger or smarter. But I hope one day I'll wake up and feel that I'm not the person of the day before. Guess what, maybe it will happen someday.

So here it is, a sort of meme I created, you can copy it or not if you want it but that was definitely the shape I wanted my rank to be. Because writing about it would be too long (365days onlivejournal, guess what, I've allready been there) and just not writing about it would be too lame.

8 people in 2008 which have changed your life
1. bloodnoir : because it's amazing to find out how a person and a friend can set your mood for the day and simply share with you almost everything you have.
2. heles_allgood : for many reasons I won't quote here.
3. lord_way : for many of the unquoted reasons above... and for chocolate.
4. hxcfairy : because friendship happenz even when you don't expect it.
5. erialcgrove : not just because of the My So-called life DVDs or the Icons I definitely didn not expect but.. well, because there you are.
6. ely_24 : because you're the evidence that a person so -phisically- far can get closer and closer.
7. darkestangelspn : because now that you're away I miss you, you helped me going outta depression in july and... did I ever told you that I wrote my first english fanfiction just to imitate you?
8. luzestrellera : because of your latest Shannon manip XD ...and because without you life would be too normal.

8 Music Events in 2008 which have changed my life
1. 12/13 February 2008 - Milan - Alcatraz - 30secondstomars. Because hearing Tomo playing the violin from my first front-row was just..woah.
2. 7 March 2008 - Florence - Saschall - HIM. Because it was a bad moment but Elena and Ville definitely turned it good.
3. 1 October 2008 -Milan - Alcatraz - Cinema Bizarre. Not for the concert istelf but for the whole journey.
4. November 2008 - EMA with 30secondstomars. Because beards are love. <3
5. 21 April 2008 - My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade is DEAD! dvd. ....'cause the hardest part of this is leaving... yoooouuuu...
6. 16 December 2008 - The Matt/Jared Fanmix. Mostly because SOMEONE got obsessed with Snuff... XP
8. 23 December 2008 - The GUITAR HERO event. Because I WANT ONE TOO.

8 Artistic Events in 2008 that have changed my life
1. 25 December 2008 - The WACOM tablet arrives. Because...ALAS, MY ARM IS COMPLETE.
2. 26 September 2008 -  30stm_artists
4. 29 December 2008 - I joined DEVIANTART. Because now I feel I can make it.
5. 2 November 2008 - The LUCCA COMICS event with Irene and ethelia . It was a family moment, also.
6. 30 November 2008 - The Bologna Comics event. Because Cosplay happens.
7. 14 October 2008 - The MARS TEE SHIRT DESIGN event. It sucked but I have shown people what I CAN DO.
8. 27 March 2008 - Me starting the Comic Course. And Guglielmo knows, he breeded a monster.

8 songs in 2008 that have changed my life
1. Slipknot - Snuff. It just gives addiction, and bloodnoir  knows XD
2. Beyonce - Halo. I just needed this one and it came out.
3. 30secondstomars - From Yesterday. Year after year, it changes my life.
4. The Rasmus - Living in a world without you. I want a Lauri. And I'll have a Lauri.
5. Nikky Blonsky as Tracy - Good Morning Baltimore. OH GOD this will just follow me to the coffin.
7. Within Temptation - Aquarius. Sharon Del Adel, I'm coming to get you.
8. ABBA - The winner takes it all. I'M AN ABBAMANIAC.

8 Life Happenings in 2008 that have changed my life
1. Going to University for the very first time. I'm now grown. Am I?
2. Getting me a Job during summer. Because I CAN DO IT WELL and I'm willing to continue.
3. Spending the Christmas Holidays with my father and relatives in Rome. Because the 3 rules of the house just appealed.
4. Joining the My italian Chemical Romance forum. Because nobody told me that I had to be and ECHELON only.
5. TRIP TO DUBLIN WITH SCHOOL. Because in 7 days I got the fact that I could survive just speaking english.
6. The Final High school exam. I still am drained because of that torture.
7. Leaving someone.
8. Finding someone else.

8 Series/Movies/TV stuff in 2008 that have changed my life
1. MY SO-CALLED LIFE. Because I must admit I'm a Jordan Catalano addicted.
2. Deathnote anime series. Because I have a deathnote too and I can use it.
3. IRON MAN. Because Robert Dawney Junior...well.. *fans self*
4. Sweeney Todd. I feeeeel yoooooou.... Johaaannnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah XD
5. ALEXANDER by Peter Chung. I finallu have you.
6. AEON FLUX by Peter Chung dvd set. Because you are the woman I'd be in a wcked future.
7. NANA. Because it's lifechanging and that's the way it goes.
8. Any 30secondstomars video I downloaded in 2008. Because YOU change my life. Pusi mi kurac!!!!!!

8 Famous people in 2008 which have changed my life
2. Hugh Laurie. Because Dr.House teaches you how to be less stupid in life.
3. Jimmy urine. Is sexy and freaky and it's what I need to cheer up.
4. Tom DeLonge. OMG I thought I hated you *pets poster*
5. Jared Leto. Being a diva is not that bad after all...
6. Matt Wachter. I probably am more attached to you than when you were in the band.
7. Shannon Leto. OH, MAN. woops, I mean... OH, ANIMAL!
8. HEATH LEDGER. Boy I never thought I could miss you that much.
++ Special mention to Brendan Frazer 'cause BOY YOU RE TOO BLOWN.

8 purchases/gifts in 2008 that have changed my life
1. THE SONY VAIO. Oh baby baby, ow what I'm supposed to know, boy you've got me blinded...
2. My tiny beloved Marten Brush. Rest in peace, my dear.
3. The WACOM tablet. Ok, allready mentioned her but HEY I love you.
4. The 6 months of paid account got from hxcfairy . She saved my life and shown me that good people exist.
5. The 100 icons got from erialcgrove . Don't worry dear, I'll fill them all up SOOOON...
6. The Hairspray Musical tickets. I told you you would have loved them!
7. Deathnote vol. 13. Oh baby I'd so love to UNDERSTAND what's written on it XD
8. RYUK plastic figure. I'm lonely no more.

And then a little song. It's in italian by an italian artist (obviously) but for you non-italians I'll translate it. 'cause it's a song which gives strenght and sometimes you just need it. I still can't find the ripped .mp3 but I'll put it here as soon as I find it. Meanwhile, here's a video on youtube. *pets youtube*

Un giorno credi
(Edoardo Bennato)

un giorno credi di essere giusto
e di essere un grande uomo
in un altro ti svegli e devi
cominciare da zero
situazioni che stancamente
si ripetono senza tempo
una musica per pochi amici
come tre anni fa
a questo punto non devi lasciare
qui la lotta e' piu' dura ma tu
se le prendi di santa ragione
insisti di piu'
sei testardo questo e' sicuro
quindi ti puoi salvare ancora
metti tutta la forza che hai
nei tuoi fragili nervi
quando ti alzi e ti senti distrutto
fatti forza e va incontro al tuo giorno
non tornare sui tuoi soliti passi
basterebbe un istante
mentre tu sei l'assurdo in persona
e ti vedi gia' vecchio e cadente
raccontare a tutta la gente
del tuo falso incidente

// One day you think you're right
and you're a great man
I another you wake up and have to
start back from nothing.
Situations which tiringly
Repeat themselves without time
A music for a few friends
like three years ago
At this point you don't have to give up
here the fight is harder but you
if you get heavily kicked
must insist more.
You're a headstrong that's sure
so you can still save yourself
Put all the strenght you have
in your fragile nerves.
And when you stand up and feel drained
find the strenght and face your day
don't turn back on your same footsteps
it would take just a second.
But it's you the personified absurd
and you see yourself allready old and wrinkles
while you're telling to everyone
about your strange accident. //

And thank you.

ordinary life

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