Life's up! Personal Rant

Nov 25, 2008 22:14

University: my first exam EVER, which was French Literature part one, turned out to be a 29/30!! I'm so excited! Studying results are slightly coming and I'm proud of myself. Still need to buy more books for Italian Literature but that's fine, dad pays! The only thing that bothers me is the fucking fuck of a fucking cold. I simply can't walk or anything without totally freezing. And in my university we almost don't have heating, so it's kinda hard sitting on the ground when you can't find a desk or a chair.

Echelon and MARS: I didn't make it through the finalists of the competition but know what? THIS IS GOING FAR BETTER! People want my design, they send me private messages and e-mails asking me if I would sell tees or let them use my design. The only thing I could do is obviously send them my hi-res graphics and let them print their tees. Take that, Musictoday! I SELL MORE THAN YOU DO.

The Jareddology: THANK YOU to all those who answered to my previous post, telling me the could trade/send movies and material. I highly appreciate that! *hugs all*

Competitions and livejournal quests: don't forget that the Tomo/Jared Fanmix still needs some songs! Got anything more to suggest?

Money and subscriptions: As you can see, my 100 livejournal avatars have been locked 'cause I don't have any money to pay for them yet. Thanks to hxcfairy I still have a paid account, but pics were not included. I shall really start collecting some money and get me a new paypal account so I can finally solve my dues.

Life: goes on fine, generally. Some winter-illness but that will pass for sure, soon.

Early future: is still a mistery!

ordinary life

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