Finally the MUSIC GAME!!

May 04, 2008 21:23

I promised to 
blodygirl I would have got myself down and dirty and complete this music game.. and so I did!! It took me almost the whole afternoon, but IT'S HERE!! Enjoy, people!

1) Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2) Put iTunes or equivalent media player on random.
3) For each song that plays, draw a skech related to the theme you picked inspired by the song. You have only the time frame of the song: you start when it starts and no lingering afterward; once the song is over, you stop sketching. (No fair skipping songs either; you have to take what comes by chance!)
4) Do 10 of these, then post.

(click on the pics to enlarge)

This is the fandom I picked... aren't you surprised?! I'm sorry I had to cut Tim out, but 4 characters were way too much to draw in such little time. I tried to apply the Comic-drawing Rules to these quick sketches... obviously when the game was finisher I adjusted them a bit with the red pencil. Despite the scanner, you can still see the blue crayon I used to guide myself and draw Jared, Shannon and Tomo. XD How professional... *shows off*

Song 01:

George Michael - I'm never gonna dance again (time 4:45)
Envious Jared looks at Tomo and Shannon having a Samba! I quite like Tomo's expression and I must admit it took me almost the whole song to make Jared look similar to the true one -___-"

Song 02:

Fall Out Boy - This ain't a scene, it's an arms race (time 3:32)
Jared tries to learn by heart "Lord of War" screenplay, while Shannon and Tomo are playing with weapons. This ain't a movie scene, it's an ARMS competition! XD

Song 03:

David Bowie - Rebel Rebel (time 4:27)
The trio looking rebel! Jared in a messy-punk-look, Tomo plays a FENDER STRATOCASTER guitar (and not a LesPaul, that's rebellion!!) and.. Shannon looks the same, 'cause he's as rebel as always!

Song 04:

Stratovarius - Destiny (time 10:16)
That's an epic metal song, so I had plenty of time to figure out this elven-Jared (reminds me of Legolas in some way...); King Tomo the Great, master and ruler of all men on the Epic Land and.. Shannon the Barbarian XD

Song 05:

Frank Sinatra - New York, New York (time 3:26)
Gentlemen Tomo and Shannon help Lady Jared to descend the stair of a Broadway stage. A sort of "Guys and Dolls" still!

Song 06:

Nirvana - Heart-shaped box (time 3:56)
Broken hearted Tomo wanted to give an heart-shaped chocolate box to Shannon on Valentine's Day, but found that... the brothers are in love! Letocest all the way!! <3 (Pooooor Tomo... Here.. come to me.. I'll cheer you up!!)

Song 07:

Wolf's Rain - Gravity (time 2:17)
Wolfie Jared runs to reach his Rakuen. Inspired by the cartoon "Wolf's Rain"... I didin't have the time to draw also the other two wolves, 'cause this song is veery short and.. I had troubles with Jared's legs and tail...

Song 08:

Aiden - Believe (time 3:09)
Tomo the Angel of Redemption! I am too gone for the comic "Angel Sanctuary", I see angels everywhere! Yet, Tomo is really an Angel... follow him and he'll lead you to HEAVEN!

Song 09:

Blink 182 - All the small things (time 2:47) you remember that great video with Tom DeLonge running naked? I DO XD and I also remember the porn-diva-nurse... so guess who's the nurse this time... and well.. we all know that Shannon does not have just a SMALL THING! hihihihihiheee....

song 10:

30secondstomars - Fallen live at Buffalo (time 5:44)
Finally the celebration! The trio playing on stage! I adore how the LesPaul came out in Tomo's hands. I don't know why, but I always draw him better *fu fu.. who knows...?*

I'm very proud of how those sketches came out! My hand hurts... x____x

music meme, comics, ordinary life

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