Uhh... Hi. Soooo, obligatory introduction is a go!
The name's Tiger and I came here by way of "Oh, hey, that looks pretty fun!" Truly, it was a difficult choice to join up. 8| Only not.
Anyways, my list is
right over here, currently empty (*HINTHINT* 8Da), for anyone who wants to request something. Most of my fics are actually ficlets/drabbles and range around 200-500 words, but I promise will try to keep it in the higher count for the sake of bettering myself or something like that.
I really don't know what else to type (orz;;) so here's the survey. Feel free to friend me on this journal and/or my regular one (
tigerzahn) if you'd like!
Name: Tiger
Age: 22
Fandoms: There are a ton, but the ones I'm really into right now are anything Disney (which will never die!), Harry Potter, Cowboy Bebop, NCIS, Batman Beyond, Teen Titans (animated) and Justice League/Unlimited (animated).
Favorite Scenarios to Read: A bit of everything, but most of what I go for has a good dose of wit/humor in it at some point.
Favorite Scenarios to Write: ...actually, this is the same as above.
Favorite Characters and/or Pairings to Read: I'm an equal opportunity geek when it comes to parings.
Favorite Characters and/or Pairings to Write: Saaaaame.
Favorite Tenses to Read: Third more than first.
Favorite Tenses to Write: It really does depend upon the character's I'm writing about. Some I have a better first person feel for, some third.
Anything Else?: I do not pretend, at all, to be a competent writer full of magical rainbow unicorn goodness. This is probably a good thing, as someone would eventually wonder how the hell I drugged all those unicorns into appearing anywhere near what I write and then authorities get involved and it all becomes really, really messy.