
Feb 28, 2007 08:02

i can't help but notice how quickly my life is changing. it seems as if everyday something new is happening. we just moved into a great house and it looks like things are finally starting to come together. i know a lot of things still need to be worked out, but i am excited that things are moving along so nicely.

my brother just got in the organic seeds he ordered, so we are going to have our own organic garden soon. i can't wait. i think i am going to start raw again next week. we finally moved the fridge into the new house so it will be easier to plan. we were living out of a mini-fridge for the last few weeks so it's been hard. we are almost settled in so i can finally start up yoga again and hopefully i can stick to a walking program now that the weather is nice. i have almost gone down 2 sizes so i want to keep it up. (i'm not doing this entirely to attain a certain "size", but i am logging my results as i go.)

i think i might kick off going back to mostly raw with a one-day juice fast. it's something i've never really seriously considered. i have to do more reading up on it and learn more about fasting before i just jump into it. a day might not seem like much, but it might be a bigger challenge than i'm thinking. who knows...i've never tried it before, so we'll see. eventually, i'd like to do a juice fast at least once a week. i guess i have to try it first to see how it works for me. i would be juicing my own juice with organic fruits and vegetables. there are a lot of great combinations that i can't wait to try. i'm really craving raw food and fresh juice lately. so i hope march will be a good month for me. i know i have a lot of new changes coming up because i should be starting a new job soon, but i am going to try to keep striving for the balance i am looking for.

well it's almost spring so i've been getting inspired to take some pictures lately. maybe i'll have some new pictures to post soon. i think i'm finished hibernating for the winter.
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