
Mar 10, 2005 16:17

Oh my, I was SUCH a bitch today. Everyone will just have to get over that because I was just in a PMS-Crummy mood. Roar. Still am, just not as bad.

Journalism- As I have said in the past we do nothing in here, so I sat around and talked to Sam, Katie, Amanda, and everyone else. It gets so boring day after day though..no off. to them lol...we left early again because Smale doesn't pay any attention to us.

English- Worked on our projects and made fun of poor Leland *makes weird hand motions as I talk* I laughed so hard.

Chemistry- I paid attention at first but then my mind wandered so I could only do half of my homework..the rest of it i am oblivious to because I just wasn't "there". Tara is cool though! ;) haha

Geometry- Pollum was actually nice to me again, it was WEIRD! =O But anyway we just took notes and laughed at this idiotic kid who always fights with Pollum and she gets pissed and its amusing.

Lunch- So WEIRD! Teri, Carly, Mary, and I are strange... mostly me and Teri lol. Today we all bough fun dip from the school store and we like guzzling it and going crazy. We mixed it with Sprite and it foamed...aghhh! We are nuts. I got a sugarfied headache later.

Parenting- Child care day, my group went to the library..we were supposed to work but instead we went to the back and listened to music and talked..we got some done but not all of it. I couldn't focus lol. I love my group though (Jamie S, Sam R, Brittany, and Becca...normally Breana but she wasn't here today! I saw Jason in the library..whatta cutie. (PS! I GOTTA TAKE THE KID HOME TOMORROW! *whines!* I'm gonna fucking DIE!)

Creative Writing- OH..MY... GOSH. Mar is nuts..but so am I! Practically the WHOLE time me and her doodled little cartoons back and forth about everything bad thats better then this class! "I'VE ESCAPED!!!" hahahaahaha omg...so so hilarious! Dr. D was SO mad at me today...and I tried to make her mad by being negative...we were doing "I remember" things and sharing and everyone was telling funny stories..so I said "I remember when my grandma died" and shes like "Oh thanks for sharing" and I was liek mmhmm lol it pissed her off..I loved every moment of it! Then Mar was scaring me with these SCARY SCARY FACES and I was cracking up like the whole time and people thought I was CRAZY....and Dr D was giving me "looks" ..oh boy. How I love pissing her off! *Mar hangs herself" and Dr. D says.. "MARILYN! WHY ARE YOU BEING SO NEGAAATIVE!?!?!?!?!?!?!" hahahaha Oh boy...

History- Called my mom so she could talk to Kilgore cuz I forgot my movie permission slip again. I seriously LOVE Mr. Kilgore...he's my favorite teacher this year I swear! He's such a jokester but he knows when to cut it out so it's not annoying and then he's just so SWEET sometimes..my goodness. Reminds me a whole lot of Mr Brutyn..he even calls me Meg! So yeah, for the rest of the hour we watched "Mississippi Burning"...it's sad but interesting too!

So yeah, I just got done eating a PB&J and doing my homework! Go me!! I've been productive today..it must be all the energy I have.

The O.C is on tonight..another show too...but I don't remember what it is! =O
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