Christmas in Chico this year was almost entirely unremarkable, but I did receive my favorite gift of all time, a
peanut butter & jelly spreader. The box boasts that it "eliminates the danger of peanut butter and jelly mixing in their containers".
I've been spending a lot of time in Sonoma County dodging puddles, going to tea parties, and pretending to enjoy hardcore shows. I spent New Year's Eve in a hot tub full of new acquaintances, drinking bottled water in lieu of champagne and wondering if I'd be able to get home tomorrow. During my last stay the North Bay was in the process of becoming totally inundated by rainwater, and the quickly rising Russian and Napa rivers were eager to try out their flood plains. This resulted in a rather perilous drive home on the newly not-underwater highway 37 with an angry looking San Francisco Bay lapping up against and occasionally spilling over into my lane. The more I travel by car the more I think that some towns weren't meant to be lived in, just driven through.
In an attempt to take advantage of the heavy precipitation being dumped on Northern California I'm hitting the slopes with Vanessa this weekend, though I'm not entirely sure either of us remember how to ski.