Once and again

Jan 02, 2001 03:42

I bravely deleted my xanga a couple of days ago and here I'm creating a livejournal. It's pathetic that I need to post about my week. Hopefully, Mr. Willis will not catch word of my livejournal. He was the one who influenced me to delete my xanga. I only have one friend and that is Meghan.

I got a 95 on my first sociology test. This is pretty good seeing how the rest of the class failed. The Professor decided to give a curve to the test and well seeing how I got a 95 there was only a 5 point curve. The class was pretty upset. before anyone knew who received the 95 we were all talking about kicking the shit out that one person. My anger was soon put to rest and I was overcome by fear. Those kids are pretty scary when you fuck their grades over.

I was told today that I could prob transfer to Oglethorpe and take this summer off. But the only problem is my dad is still having some health problems. It has been a really big change from moving to my dads from my moms. I dont really fit into her lifestyle. Im hoping that my dad will start to get better...cause now the only reason holding me at Chatt Tech is my dads health.

My teacher wants me to tutor his son who attends Georgia Tech. Sounds cool...but I dont really know how to get to GA Tech.

O yea I do NOT like it when ugly people make out by my car when I'm trying to take a nap inside.

I don't fell like writing anymore so i think I will end on a positive note:

Poetry of William Blake


Pity would be no more
If we did not make somebody poor,
And Mercy no more could be
If all were as happy as we.

And mutual fear brings Peace,
Till the selfish loves increase;
Then Cruelty knits a snare,
And spreads his baits with care.

He sits down with holy fears,
And waters the ground with tears;
Then Humility takes its root
Underneath his foot.

Soon spreads the dismal shade
Of Mystery over his head,
And the caterpillar and fly
Feed on the Mystery.

And it bears the fruit of Deceit,
Ruddy and sweet to eat,
And the raven his nest has made
In its thickest shade.

The gods of the earth and sea
Sought through nature to find this tree,
But their search was all in vain:
There grows one in the human Brain.
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