(no subject)

May 04, 2013 18:33


so um yeah still terrible at updating my journal but i have been checking my flist on a semi-regular basis as of late \m/ i am currently so hungover that scrolling down on my tumblr dash is making me dizzy and the sound of myself typing is just fuel for this headache so honestly i have no clue what i'm doing writing this post. also currently trying to write more xmfc fic because cherik are the most cutest thing ever. signing up for the xmenreversebang sounds like a thing that's liklier and liklier to happen every day but we'll see how that goes later on. i did end up signing up for spn_cinema again but i didn't even open up my gdoc for the one that i started last year and planned on finishing this year. oops?

last night i fell momentarily in love with a guy who had a septum piercing and the most amazing collar bones i have ever seen or touched. he talked to me about my theories on time and shit and i loved him a little more for that. alas, it was one of those things that only lasts as long as the stars are out. it was worth it while it lasted though. 

amanda needs sleep, mostly i like the sound of my voice

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