National Right to Life Week

Jan 21, 2008 15:51

How many of you know what the number one cause of death in this country is? If you said heart disease, you are wrong. Its Abortion. Since Roe VS Wade legalized abortion in this country, 38 Million innocent babies have met their death because of this awful procedure. Think about that, 38 Million innocent babies lost their lives because of Abortion. It makes me cry just to think about it.

As some of you may know, this week marks one of the darkest anniversaries in our country, Roe VS Wade. Of course Abortion is an awful procedure that murders tons of innocent babies. But to me, the Abortion issue goes much deeper. Proponents will tell you that a woman has a right to choose what she does with her body. To an extent this is true, however I believe that Abortion has helped take away some self control and made it easier for guys to treat them as objects. Why do I say this? The Martial Act (better known as intercourse) was meant as an expression of marriage vows between two married people who give themselves totally and faithfully to each other as they become "one flesh". Unfortunately in recent years, society has trended away from this and has treated sex like a pleasure kit if you will. People are having sex for selfish pleasures and desires, and not using it to renew the vows that people take at the altar when they declare themselves husband and wife. So what does this has to do with Abortion? Well the martial act in its proper form is open to new life, and new life is created from this gift that husband and wife share with each other. When Sex is not used for this purpose, it is not only not an act of love, but it usually is not open to new life. I need not tell how you how strong the human sex drive is. There is an old saying that goes, Men will use love to get Sex and Women will use Sex to get Love. Well that is largely true. Men who have ulterior motives often tell the woman that if you love me you will have sex with me or some line like that. The woman will sleep with him, only to realize afterwards that all he wanted was her body and not her as a person.

So where does abortion come in? As I stated the martial act in its true form (Which for the record the catholic church is not against, actually the Catholic Church teaches that sex is good), is an act of total and unselfish love and is always open to children. (The catholic church does not teach that sex is only for making babies however) When you shut off the openness to children, you take away the consequences of the marital act (Pregnancy is a consequence that many people don't seem to want, which is unfortunate). This makes it much easier for a girl to give into her "boyfriends desires", because she knows that she won't get pregnant, and if she does she can end it without consequence. Or so society teaches us. The sad thing is, I have seen way too many women in society get hurt by this line of thinking. The guys are never faithful, and women are left scarred too many times. In fact, I truly believe this has helped contribute to the high divorce rate in this country. And with this attitude toward sex comes unwanted pregnancies, and this often results in abortion.

Planned Parenthood and the "Pro-Choice" lobby would like you to believe that Abortion is a way to end a pregnancy without consequence. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is, Abortion kills an innocent human being. But it does a lot more damage to that. The psychological trauma it can do to the mother will be with her the rest of her life. Not only that, but Abortion can result in Hemorrhage, a perforated Uterus, shock, cardiac arrest, permanent infertility, convusions, prolonged bleeding, massive infection, and death. Additionally, each abortion increases the woman's risk of a miscarriage by 50%, having a child with mental retardation by 40%, having an ectopic pregnancy by 200%, and each abortion doubles the woman's chance of having breast cancer. Women, is this really what you want to do to your bodies? I know I wouldn't want any woman I loved to do so. Additionally, 90 percent of women who have abortions suffer damage to their self esteem, 50 percent will abuse drugs or alcohol, 60% experience suicidal tendencies, with 28% or just over 1 in 4 actually attempting suicide. This is a tragedy, and I can't believe that I live in a society that actually condones this.

I am going to post a link to a website that actually shows what happens when babies are aborted. Warning, the sites are very graphic. But I feel the need to show these. This is what Planned Parenthood and other Abortion providers don't want you to see.

In this right to life week, I am praying for all these babies that were known only to god. And I also pray that this culture of contraception and death can see the light and return to the culture of life that was prevelant in this country for nearly 200 years. I pray that all men and women can chose a life of purity and chastity, over one that has been perverted by the lies of Satan and the Sex industry. I don't know how much of an effect my writing this blog will have. But if I can save just one innocent baby from death, and possibly steer one man or woman toward a life of purity and chastity, I believe I will have made a difference in my eyes, and in the eyes of God.
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