Title: Lost in Love [25/40]
Author: ixjaydee
Rating: PG - 13
Pairing: Woogyu (Woohyun/Sunggyu);; Sungsoo (Sungyeol/Myungsoo);; Wooya (Dongwoo/Hoya)
Genre: drama, high school cliches, and the like.
Disclaimer: Reality is a cruel, cruel place.
Summary: Nam Woohyun: noun - [1] resident pretty boy and one of the most popular juniors in the entire school. [2] has a reputation of being a jerk, but only because most people don’t understand he doesn’t really mean his insults. It’s just how he shows his affection.
Kim Sunggyu: noun - [1] nobody. [2] a junior just trying to make his way through school and do bigger and better things with his life.
Woogyu: noun - [1] a name given to Woohyun and Sunggyu by his best friend Dongwoo, who happens to know that Woohyun has a crush on Sunggyu. [2] the reason Sunggyu gets crippled for life.
AN;; Guise. Oh man. So remember me complaining about my braces earlier? Yeah well, today, the wire is digging into my gums and disappearing into them. I kid you not, I am terrified that my gums will heal over it, and it’ll just be stuck in there forever. And my dentist is on vacation until Monday. WAE ;~;
The start of winter vacation at school marked the start of Woohyun practically moving into Sunggyu’s house.
“Are you ever going to go home? You have a house, a big one at that,” Sungyeol said, staring at Woohyun as he padded into the kitchen one morning for breakfast. He shrugged his shoulders sleepily before rubbing at his eyes.
“This is home,” he said, before sitting down and pouring himself a bowl of cereal. He missed the sad look Sungyeol gave him. It must’ve been hard, living without any parental figure for so long. It was a wonder why Woohyun wasn’t dealing drugs or mixed up into shady business.
Sunggyu’s mom didn’t mind him at all. She quite enjoyed having him around to help in the kitchen and for heavy lifting since Sunggyu hurt his leg. Woohyun was even starting to call her mom, making her hit him in the arm while giggling.
Myungsoo came over more often now, wrapped up in multiple layers of clothes. Sunggyu’s mom had mistaken him for a random model once when he knocked on the door looking for Sungyeol.
“What do you think they do up there?” Woohyun asked Sunggyu one cold morning as they shared hot chocolate on the couch.
“Do you really want to know?” Sunggyu asked, raising his eyebrows before taking a sip of the hot chocolate and wincing slightly when it burned his tongue.
“Don’t drink so much, so fast,” Woohyun said with a sigh as Sunggyu stuck his tongue out. Woohyun reached over to grab his chin.
“Say ‘ah’!” Sunggyu did what he was told, and Woohyun blew into his mouth to cool it down.
“I’m not five years old. I can suck it up,” Sunggyu said, his lisp getting more and more apparent. Woohyun laughed at him before stating to make fun of him.
“Okay mithther thunggyu. I’ll thop treating you like you’re thmall.”
“Shut up!” Sunggyu punched him in the arm as Woohyun laughed, flinching away from him. Sunggyu pushed him over and sat on him, tickling his sides.
“No! That’s not fair! Real men don’t tickle!” he shouted as Sunggyu attacked him. Sungyeol and Myungsoo peeked their heads out of Sungyeol’s room, raising an eyebrow at the sight on the couch.
“They’re like a cute married couple or something,” Myungsoo said with a slight grin on his face.
“We’re not gonna be like that, right?” Sungyeol made a slightly disgusted face, making Myungsoo poke him in the cheek.
“What’s wrong with being a cute married couple?”
“Yah! You two!” Woohyun yelled from the couch. Myungsoo and Sungyeol turned their attention back to the couple on the couch with blank stares. Sunggyu was still straddling Woohyun’s hips as Woohyun arched his back up so he could see them on top of the stairs, even if they were upside down.
“What do you two do in there alone?!” he demanded, pointing an accusatory finger at them. Sunggyu sighed and shook his head. So he did want to know after all.
“You look like you’re in the middle of an orgasm,” Myungsoo said with absolute deadpan. Sungyeol choked back a laugh as he hit Myungsoo in the chest. Sunggyu choked on air and quickly climbed off of Woohyun, allowing him to sit back up, clearing his throat.
“Can you take us downtown, Woohyun? We wanted to go shopping for gifts.” Christmas was only a few weeks away.
“Yeah, I guess... Do you wanna go too?” he asked, turning to Sunggyu. Sunggyu shrugged.
“Sure. I don’t really have anything to buy, so I guess I’ll just window shop or something.” Woohyun did a mental fist pump. Now, he could get a general idea on the things Sunggyu wanted.
Wrapped up in winter clothing, the four of them wandered down the sidewalk downtown. The stores were bustling with people going in and out, clutching their purchases like they were going to get stolen from them at any moment.
“Woohyun!” Woohyun turned around and saw Dongwoo and Hoya waving at him, alternating jumping up and down in the crowd. The group pressed themselves against a window and waited for them to catch up.
“Fancy seeing you guys here,” Dongwoo said, mist billowing out with every word he spoke. He and Hoya were holding hands, but they were bare. Each one was wearing a glove on opposite hands stuffed into their jacket pockets.
“Uh. Shouldn’t that be the other way around?” Woohyun asked, pointing at their hands. Hoya rolled his eyes.
“No sense of romanticism. No wonder Sunggyu won’t have sex you with you.” Dongwoo and Hoya looked at each other before shaking their heads.
“No! That’s not it! I am plenty romantic!” Woohyun looked over at Sunggyu to see if he was listening and found that he was laughing at something Sungyeol said with Myungsoo.
“Why’d you have to look? Afraid he’d say otherwise?” Hoya smirked at Woohyun as he turned back to scowl at them.
“What’s so romantic about this anyway?” He stared at their hands.
“Well. Dongwoo conveniently forgot to wear gloves today, so his hands were freezing. I offered him one glove, and he was like ‘what the point of one glove?’ and so I grabbed his hand and was like ‘so our bare hands can keep each other warm’.” Woohyun started to gag at the cheesiness as they turned and kissed each other.
“It’s so cheesy, it’s painful,” Woohyun said.
“Yeah, well get with the cheesy. It’s in season,” Dongwoo said, waving his gloved hand around.
“Woohyun! Let’s start walking before I freeze to one spot,” Sunggyu said, waving at Dongwoo and Hoya.
“Coming! What’re you guys doing in town anyway? I thought you’d be decorating the houses or something.”
“It’s no fun without you,” Hoya said as Woohyun turned to follow Sunggyu.
“Yeah, who else are we going to wrap to the tree with lights?”
Myungsoo and Sungyeol went in and out of various shops. They were holding pinkies to keep from getting separated in the crowd as they walked through the store and pointed things out to each other.
“See anything you like yet?” Woohyun asked, laying his head on Sunggyu’s shoulder as Sunggyu leaned over a case of MP3 players. Sunggyu shrugged, glancing back down at the case.
“You don’t have one of these, do you? What kind of musician are you?” Woohyun asked with mock disbelief. Sunggyu laughed and shoved Woohyun off of him.
“I just keep music on my computer and whatever songs I like at the moment on my phone. It’s not like I go anywhere long enough to need one of these anyway.” Woohyun didn’t miss the longing look on Sunggyu’s face.
A smirk made its way onto Woohyun’s face. He just found Sunggyu’s Christmas present.
All six of them walked into the cafe with rosy cheeks and laughter. Woohyun threw his arm over Sunggyu’s shoulder and pulled him in for a kiss after they were all seated.
“This is nice. Haven’t been out with everyone in a while,” Sunggyu said as they ate.
“You said that last time we hung out like this, too. Quite frankly, I’m sick of seeing your faces every day.” Woohyun pointed to everyone except Sunggyu, making him laugh and hit Woohyun in the arm.
“Especially you two! You two need to stop messing with my head before I get a brain aneurysm and die.”
“That’s what Sunggyu is for,” Myungsoo said, reaching up and dabbing at the corner of Sungyeol’s mouth with his napkin.
“Messy eater.” Sungyeol wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand, making Myungsoo give him a disgusted look.
“Your napkin is right there.”
“Nag,” Sungyeol said with his mouth full.
Sunggyu was sitting at the computer with his headphones on, staring at the sheet music in his lap, and spinning a pen in his hand when Woohyun came out of the shower. He slept in a t-shirt now that the weather was colder.
Sunggyu was bobbing his head to the music, mouthing words and making notes on the page.
“What’re you working on?” Woohyun asked as he tossed the wet towel into the hamper. Sunggyu pulled the left side of his headphone off of his head before pressing pause and shuffling his papers around.
“A song. I’m still working out the kinks and stuff,” he said.
“Can I hear it?”
“Not yet. I want to be done with it first before letting anyone listen. But here, come listen to this. I’m thinking about covering this song next.” Sunggyu clicked on a different song, scooting over for Woohyun to sit down.
Woohyun sat down and pressed his ear against the left side of his headphones, frowning when he didn’t hear anything. Sunggyu unplugged his headphones from the jack and turned up the volume on his computer.
“That side is broken. It’s been broken for a while.” Woohyun frowned, making a mental note to get him some new headphones too.
“But here.” Woohyun listened to the song as Sunggyu mouth the words.
“You really this David Archuleta guy, huh?” Woohyun said, turning to Sunggyu.
“I like his songs.”
“Gotta run some errands today. I’ll be back in time for lunch. Are you gonna be okay by yourself?” Woohyun asked as Sunggyu watched him get dressed with sleepy eyes.
“Of course. I have stuff to do today, too. It’s not like I sit here and do nothing all day.”
“Alright then.” Woohyun leaned over the bed and kissed Sunggyu before patting himself for his phone, keys, and wallet.
Woohyun stepped into the electronics store and shook some snow out of his head. It started to snow when he was about halfway to downtown. He sighed as he watched it fall, wishing that he was at home with Sunggyu to watch it fall, cuddled up on the couch and sharing a hot chocolate.
Home. He blinked a few times after he realized he called Sunggyu’s house home. He grinned slightly to himself as he looked at all the MP3 players, trying to decide which one was best for Sunggyu.
‘Home really is where the heart is,' he thought to himself as a sales representative made his way over to him.
“I’ll take this one. You guys do engraving, right?”
Sunggyu stared at the notes on the page before sighing. Why didn’t it sound right? He still had a few more weeks until Christmas to record it, but he didn’t want to cut it too close in case something went wrong with the recording.
The lyrics sheet was full of scratch outs and revisions in Sunggyu’s messy handwriting. Words were written in the margins and squished between lines. He was still editing the lyrics here and there, trying not to make them sound too cheesy.
“What’re you working on?” Sungyeol wandered his way into Sunggyu’s room, rolling his eyes at the pile of Woohyun’s clothes in the corner.
“A song for Woohyun to finish out his Christmas present. I’m making a CD. I recorded a few covers already and wanted to write him one...”
“How romantic,” Sungyeol said, making a gagging face.
“Whatever! It’s not like I could afford to get him anything, anyway. What do you get someone that probably already has everything?”
“Your body,” Sungyeol said, dodging the pen Sunggyu threw at him.
“Just because your and Myungsoo’s relationship is progressing like lightning doesn't mean that mine has to, too. I just want stuff to be perfect, that’s all.”
“Then you’re going to be waiting a long time. You’re so hopeless. The both of you are so hopeless.” Sungyeol glanced at the lyrics over Sunggyu before starting to massage his shoulders.
“Oh, hey. I like this song. Cheesy, but I like it it.” Sunggyu sighed, frowning at the lyrics sheet.
“Don’t worry about it so much. I’m sure he’d love it if you recorded Mary Had A Little Lamb on a CD and gave it to him.”
Woohyun left the store with his purchases in a bag and a smile on his face. He’d probably go back to his house eventually and put some songs on their first and make a playlist for Sunggyu to listen to whenever he opened it.
He walked by the phone store and spotted Myungsoo looking at various phones on the counter. Woohyun doubled back and stepped into the store.
“Myungsoo! Hey!” He looked over his shoulder and grinned at Woohyun.
“Hey. What’re you doing out so early? And without Sunggyu attached to you?”
“You and Sungyeol aren’t attached to the hip either. Why are you asking me?” Myungsoo just smiled at him before looking back down at the phones in his hand.
“Trying to decide which one to get him for Christmas after he destroyed his old one in a fit of rage.” Woohyun stood next to him and stared at them as Myungsoo played with them.
“He doesn’t like pure touch screens. I heard him complaining to Sunggyu about it one day at dinner while he was playing with Sunggyu’s phone.” Myungsoo frowned at the phones in his hand before putting them down.
“Why does he have to be so picky?” Myungsoo said with a sigh, going back to looking at phones in the cases. Woohyun laughed before starting to point out different phones. He kept up with technology while it was obvious that Myungsoo didn’t really care.
“What do you and Sungyeol have against each other anyway? Sungyeol talks about you like you’re the plague or something.” Myungsoo and Woohyun walked out of the store together, Myungsoo’s gift tucked safely under his arm.
“Yeah, we don’t really get along. It’s a lot better now than when we first met. We beat the shit out of each other once.” Woohyun thought back to the black eye he got from Sungyeol and chuckled to himself.
“Yeah, but why?”
“Just because you can put up with him doesn’t mean the rest of us, normal population can.” Woohyun shook his finger at Myungsoo before checking his watch. Myungsoo stared at him, still waiting for an answer to his question.
“Sunggyu. He’s pissed that I let Sunggyu get crippled,” Woohyun said with a sigh, turning into the cafe. Myungsoo followed him in, curious expression on his face.
“But... he and Sunggyu hadn’t seen or talked to each other for years, right? Then he just suddenly moved in, right?” Woohyun nodded, ordering some lunch to go for Sunggyu and Sungyeol.
“Did you want anything?” Woohyun asked as Myungsoo stared off into the distance.
“Oh, it’s okay. I can get it mysel-”
“I’m already here. Just order something.”
Myungsoo eyed the extra order. “Who’s this for?”
“But I thought you guys didn’t get along.”
“Yeah. Just because we don’t get along doesn’t mean he has to starve.” Myungsoo scoffed and smiled to himself. Woohyun was a lot nicer than Sungyeol made him seem.
“I’m back! And I brought along a stray,” Woohyun yelled as soon as he was through the front door. Sunggyu looked over from the couch and smiled.
“Myungsoo! Fancy seeing you.”
“I happened to be out and about when Woohyun found me. Where’s Sungyeol?”
“Outside, catching snowflakes on his tongue without a jacket on.” Myungsoo sighed and rolled his eyes.
“How old is he? Four?” Myungsoo muttered to himself as he opened up the back door, grabbing a blanket off of the couch.
Woohyun set down the food on the kitchen table and laughed as Myungsoo practically tackled Sungyeol in the backyard and wrapped the blanket around him.
“... could’ve bitten off my tongue and bled to death! What’s wrong with you?!” He saw Myungsoo say something before they kissed, Sungyeol rolling his eyes but smiling anyway.
Woohyun watched them roll around in the snow until Sunggyu pulled out a chair and leaned his head on Woohyun’s arm.
“What’d you get?”
“Your favorite from the cafe. I’ll go get the Yeol Troll and his partner in crime inside so they can eat too,” Woohyun said before making his way over to the back door and sliding it open.
“Hey. Love birds. If you have sex out here it’s considered indecent exposure.”
“At least we’re having sex,” Sungyeol said with a smirk on his face. Woohyun rolled his eyes and threw his hands up.
“Fine. You two can starve. I’ll eat your portion.”
“Wait? You got me food? You lied to me!” Sungyeol punched Myungsoo and scrambled to his feet before hurried inside.
Myungsoo sighed. “Well. At least I got some extra time with him out of it.”
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