Title: Play Crack the Sky
Author: Titti
maggiebloomeFandom: SG Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: SGA and its characters are copyrighted and trademarked to Sci-Fi and MGM.
Summary: When a new natural force hits Atlantis, John and Rodney have no choice but to watch it happen.
Prompt: Sink the city. I don't care how you do it, as long as it's dramatic and tragic. I'd love for
this song to show up thematically because it's got a permanent place on my Atlantis Sinking soundtrack, but if your brain is heading another direction feel free to ignore that. I'd also prefer a John/Rodney pairing but it doesn't have to be explicit and I don't mind if it edges into gen.
Author's Notes: I tried to follow the song as much as I could (including the title which I blatantly stole). I hope it was close to what you had in mind.
(Play Crak the Sky)