Finger-lengths and map creases for lucky_sometimes (Supernatural, R)

Sep 01, 2008 10:03

Title: Finger-lengths and map creases
Author: maharetr
Recipient: lucky_sometimes
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: R (language, minor het sex and violence)
Spoilers: AU, but vague allusions to the end of season two
Pairing: Sam/Jess in the background
Warnings: Suicide of minor character
Notes: Love to Meghan for…everything, including the beta. All mistakes are mine. Title and other things inspired by Snow Patrol’s Set fire to the third bar. Written from the apocalyptothon prompt: The world is ending, Sam is at college (Stanford) and Dean is in Florida. (take this anywhere you want … just go nuts) Hey, who could refuse an offer like that?

Summary: It’s dumb luck that ensures he's on a straight, empty road in the middle of nowhere when the headache hits.

It's dawn by the time Dean finally makes it into Heflin, Alabama


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