Feb 22, 2011 13:39

-- apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling discedoCity [DC] --

hello humans of the land of for and tuna
oh wait
i guess youre not all humans are you
because i made the mistake of addressing some of you as human before
when you were not
and i would not want to repeat it
i already know there are entities known as countries among you
but the rest of you who are other species or things
what are you called

also i thought i would just register my complaint
that this land is entirely too cold
inside the multi-person hive it is not so bad
but outside is another matter
it is not as ok

the reason the temperature is important
is because id like to explore this land
and the weather makes it more difficult
although i guess that shouldnt stop me
it makes it more adventurous doesnt it

also feferi i had a question for you
is it alright if i borrow eridan for a bit
i know hes supposed to stay here
because you grounded him
but if i could take him with me that would help
also sollux if youd like you should come too (:

-- apocalypseArisen [AA] ceased trolling discedoCity [DC] --


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