May 23, 2011 23:59

O HAI LJ, been a while since I scribbled in your virtual pages. Time for a quick recap, in the wake of momentous international events and the most exciting election in recent Canadian history and my decision to join the dark side, aka Twitter (and I just got retweeted by a random stranger, so I feel validated)! So at the time of my last post, I had not yet gone back to the island the Hellmouth school for my final year of library school, and Game of Thrones had not actually started filming. Well, fastforward 10 months and I have now theoretically mastered information (though the official fancy convocation ceremony is next month, and I can't apply for the Watchers' Council librarian jobs until I have proof of degree) and Thrones has not only premiered (to mostly positive reception despite that whole thing with the NYT's "boy fiction" BS), but has also been granted a second season. Thank you HBO, for this gift of Jaqen, Stannis and Davos, Asha and Balon, and Brienne too!

So how did all that stuff happen without my mentioning it to you, darling LJ? I meant to return sooner, but you know... laziness, lack of motivation, etc. An epic series-long recap of my grad school experience in the style of my J-Skool retrospective is in the works, so expect it in a month, or two. lol

Also, it's been a year since Lost ended. I've already worked through my grief in my geeky grad student way - I wrote five papers about/inspired by the show, count 'em - but WE HAVE TO GO BAAAAAAACK. I still get a little thrill out of The Numbers, or if I walk past a microwave or subway transfer machine reading 8:15 or 1:08, and I still watch the shit out of bittersweet fan tributes.

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No show has replaced the island-shaped void in my life yet, not even GoT, but the dragons are coming this summer and I expect to dance. :DDD More TV and movie thoughts TK. I have weird flu-like allergies, crappy hours at work, and neverending research assistant stuff I regret agreeing to do...

video, lost, grrm

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