An unusally exciting week

Jul 21, 2009 01:12

So we can finally add another name after Peter Dinklage to the list of actors who are gonna play A Game of Thrones (HBO's adaptation of ASoIaF, for those not keeping up) - Sean Bean has been confirmed for Ned Stark! I didn't get a chance to check my f-list all day so I was scrolling quickly and almost missed GRRM's announcement on his blog. Jon Snow (note to self: *must prepare another room among harem of TV boyfriends*), King Robert, Joffrey and Viserys have also been cast. THIS IS SO EXCITING OMG.

Other recent adventures:
Sat as a hair model at a hairstyling school and got a free cut. Tallied up my total income from selling crap online - $98. Enrolled in some of my classes without a major panic attack and got into the sections I wanted within that crucial 15-minute window before they all filled up. Went to work on Sunday as an after-hours attendant and had to call the mechanic when my key wouldn't let me into the building. Watched HP6 and fondly recalled being spoiled when the book came out way back in '05.

Oh, and apparently there's a bit of a brouhaha going on about ZQ's sexual orientation. LOL @ THE GRAPH ABOUT HOW IT WOULD IMPACT YOUR LIFE.

It doesn't get more awesome than a Lost/Dr.Horrible crossover. DAN, I MISS YOU SO MUCH.

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For some reason I was previously unattracted to Richard Alpert, but after watching some Spanish beer commercials I had to completely revise everything I thought I knew/felt about his ageless smouldering mystery. And I don't even like beer. (Also, I really like the idea of Richard/Sun for some reason. Don't get me wrong, I love Sun and Jin and will bawl like a baby when they finally reunite, but Sun with Richard would set the island ON TRAGIC ANGSTY FIRE.)

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lost, zach, hp, grrm

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