
Mar 05, 2010 22:55

AGE: 22
JOURNAL: betterthanlegos
IM: Ilikeyourshoes0
RETURNING: 3! Dazzler, Cannonball and Domino.

CHARACTER NAME: Lorna Dane AKA Polaris
FANDOM: Marvel 616
CHRONOLOGY: The end of the Blood of Apocalypse arc in Adjectiveless X-men, when she takes off
ALTER EGO: Lorna Dane

Little is known about Lorna's birth mother, only that she had this steamy affair with Magneto, he got pissed and then he apparently killed her in this plane crash using the power of magnetism~. After her mother died, Lorna was adopted by the Danes, and raised by them. Due to her mutation, she was born with green hair, and constantly dyed it for most of her life in order to conceal her small difference. One day after she was all grown up, Mesmero kind of made her take a little trip and she wound up falling into the arms of Bobby Drake. She was nearly hit by a car since Bobby's a dick, and it snapped her right out of her hypnotic funk. Bobby brought her back to the X-mansion, which pissed off the rest of the X-men. While there, it was revealed she was a mutant by Cerebro, and due to washing the dye out of her hair. When this was realized, the X-men were cool about Lorna being there. A short time later, the mansion was invaded and Lorna, along with Bobby, was kidnapped by Mesmero's goons. While at Mesmero's base, Lorna was strapped into a machine, and her latent magnetic powers were activated. Mesmero manipulated her into believing she was the daughter of Magneto, and since Lorna was adopted, it made a lot of sense to her. She was forced to make a choice between Magneto, or the X-men, and for the time being, she chose Magneto. The X-men left her there, knowing they couldn't fight this yet. Later on, it was "proven" that Magneto wasn't her father, so she helped the X-men take out all of Mesmero's shit, and she left with the team.

When it was all over, Lorna was unsure if she was actually cut out for superheroics, and decided against joining the X-men. She instead settled down in Manhattan so she could at least be close by. Though, it would prove to be a mistake, as the sentinel program had just been recently activated, and she was taken from her home. Since she was in shock from the attack, Lorna didn't even fight back, and she was brought to the sentinel base with no struggle. It was there that she met her true love ~*Alex Summers*~, as he'd also been caught. They were held there for awhile, until Bobby and his booty shorts showed up to throw a fit. It was having to be saved a second time that finally punched Lorna's feminism in the face, and she decided to join the X-men.

Since Alex and Lorna weren't as experienced as everyone else, they found themselves being left out of certain missions, and began growing closer. Their friendship eventually became something more, despite a lot of anger recieved from Bobby. Alex and Bobby would fight back and forth for quite sometime over her, as well. They eventually got into a fight that ended up with Alex really hurting Bobby, and Alex took off. The Professor sent Lorna after him, and after a run-in with the Hulk, Lorna convinced him to come back. Though a small kidnapping would halt them, they did end up returning to the X-men. They continued with their training, upping their skill and expertise as time went on. On a mission, the team came across the mutant island, Krakoa, and ended up getting captured. Professor X recruited new people in order to save them, but it was then that Lorna displayed her major power potential for the first time. Jean telepathically removed Lorna's mental blocks, and allowed her access to her full power. It was because of Lorna that the island was hurled into space, and everyone was safe. After Krakoa, Lorna went off with Alex to go be boring and romantic together. Though they tried their best, it was very bumpy as they couldn't really escape the dangers their lives kept throwing at them.

Months after they'd started their life together, Alex was off visiting the X-men, and the Marauders ambushed Lorna, and chased into the desert. Lorna wasn't going down without a fight, but unfortunately, it still didn't end well for her. The psychic entity Malice ended up possessing her, and she was given leadership of the Marauders. Malice ran around in Lorna's body with her new team, going up against the X-men and Alex quite a bit as time went on. Telepathy wasn't able to pull Malice from Lorna's body, so the two were stuck together for awhile. But since Malice had possessed Lorna for so long, she discovered that she was now permanently bonded to Lorna, due to similarities in their energy matrixes. Though Malice was quite upset about not being able to possess anyone else, she let go of her anger when Mister Sinister said such a thing made her unique and uncloneable.

After the events of Inferno, Mister Sinister "died", and Malice's hold on Lorna weakened considerably. Lorna and Malice both struggled for dominance over the body, and briefly, Lorna won it. She tried to contact the X-men for help, but was unable to get a hold of them right away. When the X-men showed up to help her, Savage Land Mutates had already captured her. The leader of the Mutates (Zaladane) claimed to be Lorna's sister, but who even knows what the fuck happened with that. When Lorna was brought to the Savage Land, she was put into a machine, and a little power switch up happened between her and Zaladane. A side effect of this purged Malice from Lorna's body, so Lorna was finally free from her. However, this did leave her with a bit of a power change! From this point, she was able to gain power from negative emotional energies. It gave her some invulnerability and super strength, but that appeared to be it. She was without her magnetic powers.

Though the X-men did come to try helping her escape, Lorna would end up being left behind, forcing herself to find her way back to civilization all on her own. Finding a freighter in Antartica, she hitched a ride with the people inside. A bunch of crazy shit happened with her powers, and she ended up radioing Muir Island for help. First, she needed to convince Banshee she was no longer Malice, and when she did, they accepted her on the island. While there, Moria ran tests on her. Though Malice was no longer inside of Lorna anymore, her magnetic powers were now dormant and locked away, so she could no longer access them.

While on Muir Island, Lorna began causing negative emotional outburts, instead of just drawing her new powers from them. She was captured and put in a cell by Legion before she was able to inform anyone of the horrifying change, and she was trapped. Of course since EVERYBODY GETS GODDAMN POSSESSED, Legion was only being an ass because Shadow King was actually possessing him to make him do all this shit. Since Shadow King hated Professor Xavier, and was without a body, he wanted to use Lorna as a gateway from the Astral Plane to the real world. Shadow King had a good hold on Lorna for awhile, but combined efforts of the X-men and X-factor helped stop him. Psylocke pushed one of her psychic blades into Lorna's head, and somehow her magnetic powers were returned. However, at this time, Magneto had just killed Zaladane, so it's very possible that had a lot more to do with the return of her powers than Psylocke.

Val Cooper offered for Lorna to join the goverment organization X-factor shortly after that mess, and Lorna accepted. On the team, she reunited with Alex, and the two led the team together. Though, they had tried to rebuild their relationship, it was very unstable during the time. Rahne kept watching them sleep together, which was creepy as shit, and sometimes Rahne would lash out at Lorna if Lorna disageed with Alex GOD FORBID. All of this made Lorna and Alex's relationship a little bumpy. It was until it was revealed that Rahne was bonded to Alex due to Genoshan mutate shit (THANKS HODGE), and Lorna became more sympathetic to the girl.

Though Lorna had appeared to be fine about all that Malice and Shadow King stuff, a therapy session revealed that she was not. Doc Samson was able to help her get to the core of her problems, and after they were done talking, Lorna took up a new, rather provocative uniform to show she was a CONFIDENT AND SUPER AWESOME WOMAN. Since she worked for the government, she had to change her clothes, and was given a different uniform. She started to embrace Xavier's dream a little more at this time, obviously healing from all the mind crap she'd been through.

X-factor put her through a test soon enough, trying to see how powerful she was. Since she passed it, the government decided to use her as a secret weapon in case Magneto ever went batshit on America.

A little down the line, she was almost possessed by Malice again. It was unsuccessful, so Lorna went back to being happy with Alex. It didn't last long, as Alex's powers went crazy a few weeks later, and he started to withdraw from her. Lorna tried to be there for him, but she wasn't that successful. When Alex was kidnapped by Dark Beast, a fake note was left for Lorna, stating that he was leaving her, and she believed it. Lorna was obviously upset by this, taking comfort in a friend (who actually had a hand in what happened to Alex). When she discovered this, she was too busy fighting a now "brainwashed" Alex to do much else than fight. She tried to get through to him, but it didn't work and he blasted her so hard it put her into cardiac arrest. Her powers saved her life, but she was forced to stay in the hospital for a week.

Lorna started questioning her place on X-factor when all of this went on, and shortly after, Sabertooth nearly killed the whole team. During this time, Operation Zero Tolerance was going on, so in order to save the remaining members of X-factor, Val Cooper handed them over to the "still brainwashed" Alex, due to it being better than crazy ass omega sentinels.

As everyone healed from the Sabertooth stuff and other random fights, Alex explained that he'd just "stayed evil" so he could spy on Dark Beast. When he told Lorna this, she understood where he was coming from, but could not forgive him for almost killing her. It was then that she ended their relationship, even if it wasn't for good. Though she and Alex were over, Lorna agreed to join the new and revamped X-factor team that was no longer dependent on the government. During their first meeting, one of their members went crazy, and it looked as if he and Alex were killed. Lorna disbanded X-factor rather quickly after that, unable to handle it all with Alex being "dead". Lorna went off by herself for a bit, convinced that Alex was still alive. During The Twelve crossover, Lorna started hanging out with Magneto a little bit, and she returned to Genosha with him to assist with his powers, as well with watch him. When Magneto didn't need Lorna anymore, he attempted to assault the city, Carrion Cove, since it was the only one on Genosha who disagreed with Magneto's rule of the island. Lorna put a stop to him before anyone was hurt. Magneto then forced her to leave Genosha, but she snuck back in with Quicksilver to help oppose Magneto's tyrannical rule. They attempted to attack him from underground, but Pietro was discovered and kicked out, while Lorna managed to stay and help.

Magneto was later injured, so Lorna roamed around the island more freely than she had before. While there, she decided to once and for all really see if Magneto was her father. She performed a blood test, discovering that she was actually his daughter. She looked into more details on her birth mother, finding out that it was very likely that Magneto was responsible for her death. Before she could deal with the situation, Genosha was attacked by sentinels. The sentinels began destroying everyone around her, and 16 million died. Lorna only survived by staying in a protective magnetic bubble, and Lorna was unable to help anyone else around her. As she witnessed all of this, her views changed drastically, and she decided that Magneto's views were the correct ones after all.

Several weeks after the attack, the X-men came to Genosha to check the nation's condition. They found Lorna, obviously unstable from everything that had gone on. With some effort, she was slightly pulled out of the state she was in, and the X-men brought her back to the institute. Lorna didn't even take time to deal with the trauma she experienced on Genosha, as Alex had "returned", and she was more interested in that. Alex, just recently awaken from a coma he'd been in, and after he reunited with Lorna, they quickly became engaged.

However, when she came back with the X-men, she was a lot darker and more violent than she used to be. A lot of things were off about her, and she even killed a couple anti-mutant protestors. In turn, all of this behaviour just pushed Alex away (along with his attraction to his new tru wuv Nurse Annie), and he dumped her right before they were about to be married. Lorna, being very unstable, snapped at him and turned their wedding cutlery into a Magneto outfit. Though her rampage was stopped, she was still severely traumatized, and a trip through her mind showed just that. The Professor uncovered her memories of Genosha, and the fact she'd found out Magneto was her biological father.

Lorna stayed with the X-men, still holding onto her views that Magneto was right. She went through mission after mission with them, dating Iceman along the way until the decimation. When that happened, Lorna was revealed to be one of the many people to lose their powers. She pretended to still have them, trying to hide it from her friends and teammates, but she couldn't keep it concealed forever. After a fight where she was almost killed, Lorna decided to leave the mansion. Though Iceman wanted to go with her, his own powers were quite unpredictable, so Alex went with her instead.

Lorna was determined to get her powers back, so she started looking for something she'd seen in space on a mission because apparently it would fix her problems. She and Alex traveled on, looking for this thing. Unfortunately, when they found it, they were ambushed by the Sapiens League, and they were attacked just as Lorna was getting along with her new alien bff. Since Apocalypse was nearby, he had enough of this noise, and abducted not only Lorna, but the leader of the League as well. Alex couldn't do anything, so he shrugged and went home.

While he and Bobby had another bitch fight, Apocalypse was informing Lorna that he had been looking for new Horsemen, and apparently Lorna was one of his new choices. Though she did want her powers back, she also didn't want him to do anything to her. Lorna protested obviously, but Apocalypse still turned her into his Horseman, Pestilence, as well as giving her back her former abilities using technology. Now brainwashed, and a horseman, Lorna was very obdient to him, and did as he asked. She broke into the World Health Organization to gain samples of some very deadly diseases, as Apocalypse wanted her to release them if humanity didn't fall to his demands. Lorna showed absolutely no remorse for actions at this point, and even offered to release diseases before anything was decided.

When the X-men invaded Apocalypse's stronghold, they took out the Horsemen while Apocalypse retreated. Since Lorna was wearing Pestilence armor, her friends didn't recognize her until Wolverine cut it open. When the armor revealed her, they found Lorna to be dying with germs crawling all over her now disease infested body. Because Alex is always Lorna's ~*prince charming*~ he gave her mouth to mouth, and somehow saved her life. SOMEHOW.

Lorna was taken back to the institute where her health stablized, and many tests were run on her. Though it didn't make her a mutant again, it was discovered that she had her powers back. When Lorna finally woke up again, she went into a fit of screaming and somehow wrestled all the demons that were inside her head, and presumably the Horseman psyche as well. When her Horsemen bros Gambit and Sunfire came to "save" her from the X-men, Lorna stopped all the nonsense and went on an I am woman hear me roar speech. She didn't want to be a Horseman, and she didn't want to be an X-man either. Choosing just to be by herself, Lorna left the mansion, leaving behind both Bobby and Alex. This is the point I will be taking her from.

Lorna is a very confident and strong woman, always making it a point that she doesn't belong to anyone. Not only does she hold this attitude because of the various ways she's been used over the years, but also because she is a bit of a feminist, and is not afraid of telling everyone how she thinks, or how it is. Lorna is a very loyal person, and she sticks to her guns no matter if it's hard or not. She's experienced various moments of instability, and she agrees more with Magneto's viewpoint on human and mutant relations than she does Xavier. She's seen humanity at their worst, and it has affected her.

Though Lorna used to be calm and sweet, she's since been a lot darker and more violent ever since experiencing Genosha. She greatly fears being used, and manipulated, as well as being possessed. Though she has these fears, she is actually very strong willed. She was able to battle her demons in a very stressful moment, and actually overcome her problems just by pushing her inner strength; though she's been through a lot in her life, she always manages to pull through just by how determined she is. Lorna won't put up with people trying to speak for her, especially if that person is Alex. She can be a little snippy when she wants to be, and she has very little patience for people she doesn't like. All and all, she is a good person who always does what she needs to do.

Lorna's able to get along with just about everyone she meets, unless they're interested in Alex. She hates immaturity, and she hates pointless arguing. She takes great pride in her powers, and was absolutely devastated when she lost hers. Lorna is easily able to go into quick fits of denial when she's faced with loss, and she does have the tendency to push people away when she's feeling too vulnerable. Lorna is very open about sexuality, and has no problems with talking about it with anyone else. She's got a little "I'd hit it and admit it" attitude as well.

Lorna doesn't like to kill, but she will. Though she's done some questionable things, she does feel some remorse over the things she's done and she doesn't like to do bad things. Recently, she has decided herself to be very dangerous because of the powers Apocalypse gave her, and that is one of the main reasons she left the mansion: in fear of herself. It all goes back to her issues with control, and how if she can't keep control of her own actions, she doesn't want to be close to anyone. While in The City, she will do her best to keep away from the people she cares for. She will try to avoid the X-men as much as possible, especially Alex.

Lorna is a former mutant. She was affected by M-Day, so she no longer has the X-gene. However, Apocalypse kidnapped her and used technology to give Lorna her powers back.

She can:
1) Manipulate magnetic fields - this allows her to levitate, create concussive blasts and forcefields, asborb electricity, and makes her able to envision magnetic fields in the air.
2) Horseman of Pestilence power - assimilates viruses and diseases into her body, and can rechannel them. [UNLIKELY she will ever use this, though.]
3) Green Hair



Since I have stopped being crazy, I'm doubting this is some kind of illusion. I went with the X-men for a long time, and I know these kinds of things are possible. Annoying, but possible.

Though, really. Really? Why aren't they called X-people? Why couldn't I have been an X-woman? After all, I'm no man. Who even thought up the name? Only half the roster is male, so it should really be X-people. It has a much better ring to it, I think.

[A pause.]

But my name is Lorna Dane, or Polaris. I'm on my own for the moment, and I don't need any help. Oh, and Alex? I know you're here, and I'm really not in the mood for one of our ever so serious talks. Besides, you've got yourself a fresh new girlfriend to chat with, don't you? Good luck, sister.

I'll help out if I need to, but for now I won't be asking for any company.


So many times in her life control had been ripped from her fingers, and sometimes it seemed like everyone wanted to tear her away from herself. Lorna wouldn't have that anymore. She'd battled her demons, and she was seriously done with being crazy. The only thoughts she needed inside her head were her own. No psychic entities, no shadow kings, and certainly no derranged Apocalypse tools were at all necessary in her life.

Lorna was better now, obviously. She was actually functioning now, and she'd continue to do so. As long as she kept to herself, it'd be okay. Lorna knew the X-men were in this City, and she knew Alex was too. As much as she'd like to just talk to them for only a second, she couldn't allow herself. She needed to be as far away from people she cared about as possible. The power Apocalypse had given her did not feel natural at all, and she feared for what she was capable of right now. She was no longer the woman she used to be, and though that was not something to take too much pride in, that's exactly what she did. Her road of life had brought her to this, and there was nothing she could change about it. This was just who she was now.

Sometimes, though, she did miss Alex.

The way they'd ended things had never set well with her, obviously. And maybe she shouldn't have tried to kill Annie, but she hadn't been in the best frame of mind. Even after all that, her dating Bobby and Annie leaving, Alex had admitted he still loved her. Did she feel the same? Of course she did. One part of her would always love Alex, no matter what happened. They'd been through so much together for her to ever feel otherwise. However, she had no desire to talk to him. Not after everything that had happened, no. She couldn't stand to even be looked at by him right now.

Lorna just sighed as she stepped out of the Porter building, and looked around. It was cold out, and she was barely dressed for the occasion. But Lorna could make it here, she knew. The one thing she'd proven to herself over the years again and again was that she was a survivor. She'd been on her own before, and she could do it again. X-people or no X-people, Lorna didn't need the help.


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