Woman Spends 3 Hours In Woods For Dumping KittensLake County Judge Michael Cicconetti sentenced Murray to spend the night in the woods without food or shelter. He said he wanted her to feel the same pain as the kittens she neglected.
She dumped 33 kittens in the woods. Park rangers found them, but later 9 died of upper respiratory infections.
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He has ordered a man who hollered "pigs" to police officers to stand on a street corner next to a 350-pound pig with a sign that read, "This is not a police officer."
After an 18-year-old man stole some porn from an adult bookstore, the judge ordered him to sit outside the shop in a chair, wearing a blindfold, and holding a sign saying "See No Evil" so that passing traffic could see him.
Cicconetti punished a group of high school students who vandalized school buses by making them throw a picnic for a group of grade-school students whose outing was canceled because of the stunt.
A nanny accused of hitting a little boy with a belt was given a folder of articles on the consequences of child abuse, and compelled to read them all, and then discuss them in the courtroom in front of the judge and the victim's mother, as spectators looked on. Afterward, the mother agreed to no jail time for the nanny.
Cicconetti said he can remember just two people who have been sentenced to alternative punishments and reoffended.
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