My ordeal with Time Warner Cable

Feb 21, 2009 08:01

I checked my bank account and found out Time Warner Cable charged me for a month of service after I asked to be disconnected. They took it out of my bank account without informing me that they were going to.
I went and checked my TWC account and it said the disconnection was still pending. Apparently, although I scheduled it to be disconnected in May, it had not been done in a month's time!
And they were going to keep on charging me until I noticed!
and I couldn't afford this unexpected bill and it put my account into overdraft and I got a $70 charge on top of the amount that was taken for service I didn't use.
I tried calling, and a machine told me I should call a different number. I called the other number and got a busy signal! so I sent an e-mail.


Dear Mr. Green,

Thank you for contacting Time Warner Cable's E-Care group. We are sorry
to hear about your issue. After reviewing your account we do notice that
the disconnection did not automatically complete as scheduled. This
caused your account to remain on billing. We have corrected this issue
and disconnected your account, effective 05/24/08 as you originally
requested. This backdated all charges to 05/24. Your account now has a
credit balance of -$71.99 and you will not be billed any further for
monthly service. This credit balance will be refunded to you and you
should receive it within the next 4-6 weeks. If you do not wish to be
charged for the modem that was supplied, you must return it to a payment
center. You can find the closest payment center to you via the link
below. We certainly do apologize for any inconvenience that may have
been caused.

They got my name wrong.
I was happy that the issue was dealt with and they adjusted the charges to when it was supposed to have been disconnected.
However, I still had the hurdle of returning the modem. I couldn't return it anywhere in Kansas City. I couldn't travel all the way back to North Carolina to return it.

I would get my refund of $71.99. I think it took 8 weeks to get to me.

Name: Andrew Greenberg

Thank you for clearing up my erroneous charges! I have one other issue
related to it. When the erroneous charge was taken out of my bank
account, it induced an overdraft fee of $70. I called the bank and they
won't remove it because it was not a bank error. The money I am being
refunded, though I do appreciate it, barely covers the fee it induced,
leaving me out $50. I asked the bank to send a letter that the charge
did induce the fee on my account, and I was hoping Time Warner would
cover this as well. Thank you for your help.

Dear Greenberg,

Thank you for contacting Time Warner Cable, e-mail support.

As per your email, I understand that when the erroneous charge was taken
out of your bank account, it induced an overdraft fee of $70.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused in this regard.

Greenberg, I will be glad to assist you.

I am happy to say you that a credit of $71.99 has already been raised on
your account.

If you have any further questions, feel free to reply to this email.

This is the first of many times I had to deal with this idiocy.
And "Dear Greenberg?" This person thought that that was my first name?

Dear Greenberg,

Thank you for contacting Time Warner Cable, e-mail support.

As per your email, I understand that you have issues with your bill.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused in this regard.

Greenberg, I would request you to visit your nearest payment center
along with your bill statement as Matt has already cleared the due from
your account.

Payment Center address:
708 E. Club Boulevard
Durham, NC 27704
Phone: (919) 595-4892 Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 1 pm

If you have any further questions, feel free to reply to this email.

Greenberg, once again thank you for visiting Time Warner Cable, e-mail

Time Warner Cable.

Amazing how they still cannot understand a simple situation.
And she asks me to go to the payment center in Durham when I'm in Kansas City!
And they continue to get my name wrong!

After I received this I sent another e-mail. At this point, I just wanted someone to say they understood the issue! and I called them out on getting my name wrong in every e-mail.

At 7 AM I received a phone call from a woman named Via at Time Warner Cable. She told me that they would pay for overdraft charge. I just needed to fax them the letter from my bank.
Note this, as this is the beginning of a long series of events.
I was also told that TWC would send me a FedEx slip so I could return the modem.

I was still waiting for the letter from my bank. I spoke to a customer representative on the phone about the overdraft charge back on 6/25 or 6/26. I was hoping they would remove it because it was not incurred by my fault. I was told that they would not because it was not bank error. The representative offered a letter that I could send to Time Warner Cable and I requested it, but that letter never came.
So, I went to my bank in person on 7/9. This is a trip, as my bank at the time was Wachovia, and they did not have any branches in Kansas City and to get to the closest one, I had to take a bus to State Line Road and cross the street from Kansas City, MO to Lenexa, KS where there was a branch.
I did go there and they were extremely helpful. A teller drafted up a perfect letter very quickly, printed 3 copies for me and had them signed by her manager.
I've had plenty of issues with Wachovia, but I have to say the branch in Lenexa, KS is excellent.

I headed back as fast as I could and went to a Kinko's and faxed the letter to Time Warner Cable to the attention of Via.

Note the date. This was the first attempt.

The FedEx slip from Time Warner Cable arrived. I took the modem to Kinko's, had it professionally packed and sent to them. I saved TWC a little money by not sending it the fastest method.

I e-mailed to ask about the modem, as I saw from the FedEx tracking that it was delivered to TWC. They did get it and credit my account for its receipt, so I did not have to pay $150 or something for it.

I called Time Warner Cable to inquire about my refund.
Not surprisingly, customer service was less than helpful.
When I got through to a person, I heard this: "Hellomynameisfranhowcanihelpyoutoday." I started trying to explain the situation and what I wanted to find out, and I got this: "Excusemeineedyoutospeakmoreclearlyiamhavingtroubleunderstandingyou." You understand yourself but you're having trouble with me?
I didn't get much information, but I did manage to change my address.

When I gave them this address, they believed it. Even though I subsequently gave them my new address after this, they somehow lost that one.

After not getting a response, I faxed the letter from my bank 3 weeks after the first attempt.
Still getting no response. Paying $2.50+ per fax.

I e-mailed again, as this issue seemed overdue for attention at 7 weeks.
I got a response from Lisa Ray, who at least understood what an overdraft charge is and got my name right. She did nothing though and told me the issue would be escalated.
I never heard back.

I faxed the letter from my bank to Time Warner Cable again.
I made note of my new address on the coversheet.

I e-mailed again as I had received no response.

Dear Mr. Greenberg,

Thank you for contacting Time Warner Cable support.

I understand that you have not received the check for additional $70.00.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused and will be glad to assist you.

Your issue will require additional research at this time but you will receive a response in less
than 24-48 hours. We apologize for the delay but want to ensure the proper resolution is found. The
ticket number for your escalation is: 1001852

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to E-mail us again or contact our
Chat at the following link:

Jennifer Smith

and then later that day, I received this:

Dear Mr. Greenberg,

Thank you for writing. It shows the final address going to [my new address] In Chicago. I will have to
forward this to management for them to research this issue to see if they can track this payment
down. They will contact you within 2-3 business days with some updated information.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to E-mail us again or contact our
Live Chat at the following link:


Time Warner Cable
Carolinas Region

2-3 business days, huh?

I e-mailed again as I had not heard anything back! I got this reply:

Dear Mr. Greenberg,

Thank you for the reply. We are sorry to hear that you were not contacted. According to our Finance
group, our records show that the refund check was mailed and received. A trace of the check shows
that it was cashed on 08/18/08. At this time, we will not be able to mail another refund. We
certainly do apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to E-mail us again or contact our
Live Chat at the following link:


Time Warner Cable
Carolinas Region

I had to explain again the difference between what I was overcharged and the overdraft charge that incurred!
Apparently, because they are similar amounts ($71.99 and $70.00), no one can understand the difference.

Dear Mr. Greenberg,

Thank you for the reply. We apologize for any confusion that may have been caused. After reviewing
your account again, we do notice that the refund sent in the amount of $71.99 was for an overcharge
of service. This reflects the account's credit balance when the services were removed correctly,
effective 05/24/08. We do show notes that you notified us of an overdraft charge on your account but
do not show that any faxes were received or we guaranteed that the funds could be refunded. If you
can please fax us a copy of that bank statement we will be happy to research your issue further. You
can use the number included below. If you have any issues sending the fax, please let us know that
as well.

Fax: [redacted]
Attn: ESS

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to E-mail us again or contact our
Live Chat at the following link:


Time Warner Cable
Carolinas Region

They didn't get any of the faxes?!
I faxed it again on 12/24.
I figured since it was the holidays, I would give them extra time to deal with it. On 1/5, everyone was back to work and I still had heard nothing back from them. I included on the cover sheet a request that they call me to acknowledge receipt of the fax. They did not.

I e-mailed asking what was going on. I asked for a phone number that I could call to get confirmation of receipt of the fax if I had to fax it again. I also suggested that, if they really are not receiving any of these faxes, that they provide an alternate way for me to get the document to them. I offered to FedEx and original if they agreed to pay for it or to scan it and e-mail it to them.

Dear Mr. Greenberg,

Thank you for the reply. We are sorry to hear that your issue was not resolved. After further
research, we were able to find the fax that you sent. We have forward this information over to your
previously local division for immediate review. Once the information has been reviewed, we will be
sure to contact you with an update. If you are not contacted, please let us know and we will be
happy to assist you further in any way possible.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to E-mail us again or contact our
Live Chat at the following link:


Time Warner Cable
Carolinas Region

Good morning Mr. Greenberg,

Our Accounting department has credited the $70.00 in overdraft charges and a refund check is being dispersed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. You can expect to receive the check within the next two weeks. It has been sent to the address: [my old address], Kansas City, MO 64110. Feel free to let me know if there is anything else we can do to assist you.

Thank you,
Carol Davis
Sr. Customer Resolution Specialist
Executive Resolution Team

please note the e-mail from Tunza on 12/6 acknowledged that TWC knew my new address in Chicago.

I e-mailed with my new address and called Carol Davis to tell her my new address as well.

I e-mailed Carol Davis to ask if there was some delay as I had not received the check.

Hello Mr. Greenberg,

I’ve not been made aware of any reasons for your refund to be delayed, but I can check with our Finance Department then advise you better tomorrow.

Thank you,
Carol Davis

Please note that that is not "tomorrow" as referred to in the e-mail of 1/30. She only got back to me when I e-mailed again to ask if she found anything out. It had been 3 weeks since it was supposedly sent.

Good morning,

I did speak with the administrator and was advised the check was not immediately mailed. To date, it has been sent out and to expect it within the next week or so. I apologize for the delay, but you will be receiving your refund.

Thank you,
Carol Davis

The check arrived!
4 weeks after it was supposed to have been sent.
Seven and a half months after the charge was incurred due to Time Warner Cable's error, I got the refund from them.
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