Your Mod is a Douche

Feb 10, 2014 19:03

Hiiiiii. I hope everyone is doing well.

I dropped the ball big time. No excuses, I have been totally MIA with no contact and that was sucky of me. Failsafes already in place for next round, if you're all so awesome to stick around, I promise you that.

Posting is/was scheduled to start on Friday and I've had 3 teams tell me they are ready to post then. I'm inclined to give everyone a lot of leeway, considering my own behaviour. If you and your partner are ready to post, post at will any time between Friday and the end of the month, whatever day or time works best for you and your partner. I'm eagerly anticipating everyone's pieces.

PM me or email the mod account if there's anything else, or if none of those dates will work for you.

round two, !mod

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