Master List of Prompts

Aug 26, 2014 20:24

I'm so sorry this is late. They have us on extended hours at work, and my weekends have been super-busy. But it's here at last--thanks in large part to the fabulous colls--so please feel free to go forth and claim prompts! But be warned--my current hours mean that I'll only have a few minutes per day to cross off claimed prompts. Thus I strongly recommend you read the comments before claiming a prompt, to make sure your chosen prompt hasn't already been claimed.

Have fun! I can't await to see what you all make.

Rules for Claiming

1. Please reply to this post with the prompt(s) you want. I'll strike prompts from the list as they're claimed, and reply to confirm. I'm going to limit claims to two prompts right now so that everyone has a shot at the prompts they want.

2. On September 15th, I'll start allowing people to claim additional prompts if they wish. There's no limit to the number of prompts you can claim, but you're encouraged to finish your first two stories before moving on to additional prompts.

3. Prompt claiming closes on October 14th.

4. Fic is due between October 15th and October 31st. You can post your fic here, or post elsewhere and post a link here. There are no minimum lengths for fic.

Other Notes

You may claim your own prompt if you wish.

You're free to exchange your prompt for a different one at any time. Please let me know on this post.

If you don't like any of the prompts here, you can claim an unused prompt from a previous year. If you do that, please comment on THIS POST with the year and the prompt. If you have an outstanding claim from a previous year, you're welcome to write that this year.

You're not required to tell me if you're not going to finish your story, but if you know early on that you won't finish, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know so that I can release your prompt back into the wild. You can leave a comment here, or on the rules post where comments are screened, or you can PM or email me.

Please try to abide by the prompters stated preferences regarding gen or pairings. If the prompt is ambiguous, then you're free to interpret it as you wish.

The Prompts

Prompts for any show

1. Any. They survived the apocalypse by going through a Quantum Mirror, only to realize that the new reality had already been taken over by another enemy.

2. Any. SG-1's choice to travel back in time in 'Moebius' caused the present day to be ruled by Seth.

3. Any. "Without wanting to sound overly dramatic, the fate of the Galaxy may be at stake."

4. Any. An omnicidal maniac is bent on destroying the multiverse.

5. Any. If he accepted, there would be two survivors - if blending protected against the virus, and he suspected it was a pretty big if.

6. Any. The Goa'uld came through the second Stargate while the Russian Stargate Program was still undiscovered by the SGC.

7. Any. It was an innocent, but deadly, mistake.

8. Any. In the end, they were grateful for the alien occupation.

9. Any. A trip to an alternate reality through the quantum mirror. No return home.

10. Any. "There comes a time when a house has been so damaged by termites that you must not only kill the termites... but demolish the house..."

11. Any. Trojan Horse. They should've known better.

12. Any. Desperately looking for survivors. There had to be some, didn't there?

13. Any. One day it becomes impossible to get anything through the void between the galaxies. No access through the Stargate and no way to fly through it.

14. Any. Someone travels back in time, either deliberatly or by mistake, and their actions in the past causes an apocalypse.

15. Any. It was all too late.

16. Any. Someone from the SGC is bitten by a werewolf and is quickly spreads.

17. Any. He/she was the last survivor

18. Any. All that was left was the hope for revenge

19. Any. The Borg from Star Trek come through a tear in the multiverse

20. Any. "After 10,000 years I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth (everything in the Milky Way galaxy)!"

21. Any. Carnivorous plants sprout on Earth after falling from the sky as seeds.

22. Any. A virus spreads across the Galaxy, turning the Jaffa who no longer have a symbiote into zombies

23. Any. It wasn't the first world he had seen burn

24. Any. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

25. Any. This is the end. My only friend, the end. Of our elaborate plans, the end. (The End by the Doors)

26. Any. If he/she failed, there would not even be anyone left to grieve.

27. Any. They had all escaped from another reality, one that was doomed.

28. Any. They came from another Galaxy, to take over this one.

29. Any. The elders that run the city council today were all born after the world ended. What do they remember about the survivors who helped built their town?

30. Any. Burying or finding a time capsule.

31. Any. He/she would readily admit it was a desperate, last attempt, but what other choice did they have?

32. Any. "After me, the flood"

33. Any. He/she finally realized they were all doomed. This time there would be no last escape.

34. Any. One last kiss, before the end.

35. Any. The dead are rising. All of them. No matter how long they have been gone, and the diseases they died of are effectively killing the living.

36. Any. At first they were relieved they were not the only living things left. That relief soon changed to horror, though.

37. Any. The silence was eerie

38. Any. Earth was a small blue planet, and it was getting bluer by the hour.

39. Any. This time it wasn't any of the usual suspects. It was so much worse.

SG-1 Prompts

40. Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter. They spent two months in captivity only to find out that none of the Stargates they tried would connect to Earth.

41. Sam Carter, any. "Don't worry. If it comes to that, I'll do us both."

42. SG-1. Any pairing or Gen. Furlings from ep 10x6 "200" meet Sugar Apocalypse (Fic can be set during any season/timeline)

43. SG-1. Any pairing or Gen. Sterility Plague didn't work on Teal'c when the Aschen took over (ep 4x16 "2010"). (Fic can be set during any season/timeline)

44. SG-1. Any pairing or Gen. Were the giant bugs from a parallel reality (ep 6x13 "Sight Unseen") really from Earth's past? (Fic can be set during any season/timeline)
Inspired by the intro to ep 1x9 of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey:,p8,d0

45. Aldwin, Teal'c, Jacob/Selmak, Martouf/Lantash, Sam, Daniel, Jack. Teal'c manages to stop Aldwin from launching the bomb in time, and Sokar makes it away with his entire fleet. Sokar is furious at the Tau'ri and the Tok'ra, and makes it his life's goal to wipe them out. He goes for Earth first, and arrives before Aldwin returns from Netu. Now Earth has fallen, and SG1 is on the run with the Tok'ra.

46. Anise, any Tau'ri, any. Blending protected against the mutations, but not against being eaten.

47. Daniel, any. In retrospect, he probably shouldn't have touched that.

48. Jack O'Neill, any. The sarcophagus had changed him. He did not realize how much until it was too late but by then he no longer cared. They would never suspect, not in time, anyway. Earth would be his.

49. Jack O'Neill, any. Timetravel. He hated it. Particularly the theoretical consequences. Or not so theoretical in this case now the Goa'uld had conquered Earth before he was even born.

50. Egeria, Sam. Neither of them understood how they were still alive, but one thing was certain; they were the only ones left alive. The time machine was tempting, so very tempting. It was not like they could make things worse, could they?

51. Mini!Sam &/ Mini!Jack, they had spent their Summer vacation hiking in the mountains/somewhere out of the way, and when they came back there were bodies everywhere.

52. Sam|Anise. Not even their combined brilliance could save their respective people.

53. Sam|Jolinar, any. The Goa'uld attack came before the ashrak had time to find them. Now the ashrak is dead, and Sam and her new symbiote are the only survivors at the SGC.

54. Team. There wasn't much else left to save, but Sam was still out there, somewhere.

55. Any, The new shapeshifter invaders hate sentient non-shapeshifters. Now the surviving Goa'uld, Tok'ra, Tau'ri, Jaffa, and anyone else have to work together or die.

56. Team, SG-1 returns to Stargate Command only to learn that Hammond is now a Goa'uld. They are placed in a holding cell and need to escape, find out what has happened (is the SGC the only place compromised or is it the whole planet?), and hopeful fix everything. Or do they flee the planet? Start up a resistance?

57. SG-1, Martouf/Lantash, Aldwin, Jacob/Selmak. When they make it back to a Tok'ra base from Netu in their damaged teltac, bad news are waiting for them. Apophis has already rallied Sokar's fleet and is on the way to Earth to take his revenge.

58. SG-1, any Tok'ra. Season 1 or early season 2 (before Tok'ra I and II). Some Goa'uld succeeds in taking over Earth. Many leaders (political as well as military) are taken as hosts. So are many from Stargate Command, including SG-1 (except Teal'c who either is brainwashed or flees). However, some of the Goa'uld are really undercover Tok'ra. You pick who gets the Tok'ra!

59. Mitchell. “The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

60. Carter/Any. One minute she was on Dakara, defending the device against Anubis' forces. The next she woke up on Atlantis without any knowledge of how she'd gotten there, only to learn that the Milky Way has changed and the Atlantis Expedition is all that's left of Earth. (Set after SG-1 season 8, SGA season 1)

61. Carter/Mitchell or Carter & Mitchell. They were the last of the resistance, but they weren't dead yet.

62. Any. They realized too late that Ra had taken Daniel as a host.

63. Amaunet, any, after Teal'c had shot Amaunet, more of Heru'ur's forces arrived in time to take Amaunet's body and put it in a sarcophagus. Now she has sworn revenge on the Tau'ri for what they did to Apophis and herself. With Heru'ur's forces she leads a devastating attack on Earth

64. Any. They almost stopped Anubis from getting to the Dakara Superweapon. Almost.

65. Cordesh, Jack, any. What if he had taken over Jack when they were alone?

66. Jolinar, Sam, any. Problem was, the only one who had known the location was Jolinar, and Sam couldn't for the life of her (or anyone else) remember.

67. Jolinar/Martouf|Lantash, any. They fled from their dying universe.

68. Sam Carter, any. Something's wrong with her, but she can't put her finger on it. It's the latest in a line of things she can't fix.

69. Egeria, Sam, any. They were the last hope, not just for the Tok'ra, but for Earth, too.

70. Jack O'Neill, any. "Kill them all!"

71. Jack/Malek. They were the only ones left.

72. Janet Fraiser, Martouf|Lantash, any. (Ripple Effect) The reversal didn't work and they were unable to send the alternate reality teams back home. Eventually the entropic cascade failure caught up with them leaving only a few people behind.

73. Mark Carter, he got the shock of his life when he turned on the TV and saw his sister with glowing eyes and proclaiming that Earth was now under the rule of [goa'uld of your choice].

74. Sam Carter|Anise, any. Sam agreed to become Anise's new host in desperation, and in the process finally understood why the Tok'ra chose to find volunteers among those who wanted revenge.

75. Sam/Martouf/Lantash. Anubis's scheme to wipe out most human life in the galaxy worked. Sam and Martouf/Lantash run one of the few groups left alive.

76. SG1, any. The Stargate is revealed. Chaos ensues. A group decides to take it upon themselves to cleanse Earth from the alien contagion by killing everyone.

77. Any. After visiting Earth and learning about our history and politics - and having experienced some cases of less than full honesty from the SGC, combined with demand for complete information from their allies - one of Earth's allies [Asgard/Tok'ra/Tollan/Free Jaffa Nation] decides Earth may not be trustworthy and cancels all treaties. Writers choice if other allies follow the ally that no longer trusts Earth. Of course, shortly after the Goa'uld/some other enemy attacks Earth who now need their allies...

78. SG-1, any Tok'ra. The Tok'ra bases were gone or moved. No Stargate could connect to Earth. What had happened?

79. Daniel, Jack, Sam, Teal'c, Martouf/Lantash. Post-series. A big bad enemy attacks, and the original members of SG-1 are the only ones that make it off Earth. The only way to stop the enemy is with a Furling device, which Sam remembers Jolinar once found. Unfortunately, due to the danger of the device, Jolinar hid half of it in a safe place, and Lantash hid the other half. Sam may be able to remember where Jolinar hid it, with a memory recall device, but no one alive knows where Lantash hid his part. SG-1 finds a time travel device, but it can only send their consciousnesses back in time - to their younger bodies. Problem? Even if SG-1 succeeds in sending their consciousnesses back to themselves years ago, no one will believe their story.

80. Sam/Martouf/Lantash. No one else was left. The time machine beckoned. Where should they go? What should they change? Could this even be fixed?

81. Sam, Janet, Hathor, any. Their attempt to free the SGC failed, and Hathor made it into her nest.

82. Any. Knowledge of Goa'uld magic is forbidden.

83. Hathor, Sam, any. She had needed a new host after falling into the cryogenic chamber unprotected. This one was perfect, and it would help her avenge herself on the Tau'ri.

84. Lantash, any. "This can't be the end! I refuse to believe it!!

85. Morrigan, any. She enjoyed the terror she caused more than the power she gained.

86. Nirrti, any, "It is an abomination they have been allowed to breed to such numbers."

87. Nirrti, any. She unleashed a plague as her revenge.

88. Qetesh, Vala, any. She had come through from another universe, looking and sounding like their friend. It was much too late when they realized the crucial difference between their Vala and this one.

89. Sam, any. After spending years as a lab rat for the NID, she escaped. Now everyone was going to pay, beginning with the SGC and her former team mates!

90. Sam/Martouf|Lantash. There was nothing left outside.

91. SG1, any. They accidentally set off an alien device, causing several multiverses to start merging. The 30 SG1 teams, or the 21 Apophis's are not the worst problem not by far. And where is the entropic cascade failure when you need it?

92. any. Sam fails to dial gate out fast enogh in Serpent's song and Sokar blast the iris and attack sgc.

93. SG1. They dont learn Kawalski is host until too late

94. SG1. Kinsey shut down stargate project permantly and sg1 doesnt make it out. Apophis takes Earth

95. Sam/Jolinar, any. They escape from nid a year later when goa'uld attack

96. SG1, any. The reporter in secrets disclosed the stargate progam and plaet wide panic and war happend.

97. SG1, any. The bugs in bane hatched from Teal'c and spread everywhere

98. SG1, Hathor, any. They dont learn it's Hathor until too late (when sg1 is captured and thinks its the future)

99. SG1, any. one of the replictors escape from the sub in small victories and make it to land

100. SG1, any. Jack is a zatarc in D&C and shots the Tok'ra leader. The aliance breakes up. Without it Apophis and Herur allys later in Serpent's Venom and attacks Earth.

101. Any. Daniel actually gets the gene memory of Shifu and gets to rule Earth.

102. Sam, any. In desperate measure Sam become host to the Goa'uld. They dont realize in time and she escapes with intel and Earth is surrender to Osiris.

103. Sam, Teal'c. They failed to stop the Foothold-aliens.

104. Any. Later while sg-1 is on a mission more retou terrorists come to the sgc. They succeed, make it to the surface and start blowing up stuff and people. When people learn it's aliens, panic spreads and a global war happens.

105. Apophis, Janet, any. Apophis takes Janet as host in Serpent's Song. The others doesn't find out before he has escaped.

106. SG-1, any. SG-1 didn't get back in time to stop Anubis, and they're now all that is left of Earth's military. Also, Jack is still in stasis.

107. SG-1, any. SG-1 accidentally activates an alien device which seems to do nothing. When they return to Earth, the Goa'uld rule the planet. Also, SG-1 learn they were all killed years ago.

108. SG-1, any. In Moebius, Jack disregards Sam's advice and kills Ra. As a result, Sokar becomes the new Supreme System Lord (again - he held that position before Ra) and Earth is never freed.

109. SG-1, any. Just before the whole planet explodes, SG-1 (+ any others you want) escape through the quantum mirror. The world they end up in is a Star Trek style Mirror universe.

110. SG-1, any Tok'ra. SG-1 wakes up and discovers they are captives of some advanced alien species, possibly from outside our Galaxy. The aliens have tested various mental scenarios on SG-1 and decided humans are too dangerous and now they are going to kill them off. Confusion for SG-1 who has to find out what has actually happened, and how much was just the mental scenarios. Should take place early seasons.

111. SG-1, any. The Stargate becomes public and chaos and panic ensues. The governments use Goa'uld tech to keep control, including pain sticks. Probably the leaders use sarcophagi. Perhaps a Goa'uld take advantage of the situation to take over.

112. Sam, Jolinar. They have to work together in order to survive.

113. SG-1, any. When they tried to dial Earth, the Stargate would not lock on.

114. SG-1, any. "The only option left is time travel. We all know how well that usually goes!"

115. SG-1, any. Daniel reads an ancient tablet aloud and unleashes a demonic horde

116. SG-1, any. Daniel accidentally activates an ancient doomsday device, which starts unraveling the entire fabric of reality

117. SG-1, any. The Ori successfully converts Earth. SG-1 escape at the last moment

118. SG-1, Ba'al, any. There was at least one more Ba'al clone

119. Zipacna, any. After Revanna, the Tau'ri would be next. It was their fault anyway.

120. Jack O'Neill/Kanan, with Earth and the Tok'ra gone, they only had each other

121. Team. Any pairings (het and/or slash) or OTmore up to author. Divergence from canon at Lost City Part 2, Jack is unable to make the Ancient weapon work.

122. Seth. He managed to take over one of his former disciples. No longer willing to just hide, he took advantage of his new host being the son of a government official, and soon he had infiltrated the NID, and then the SGC. Less than a year after the SGC and the Tok'ra thought they had killed him, Seth opened the Stargate for the Jaffa of his new ally, Apophis. SG1 were offworld at the time, and now their planet was conquered by the Goa'uld, and they could not return.

123. Sam/Martouf|Lantash. She didn't want to be alone, not tonight.

124. Sam, any. She looked back one more time before she jumped through the SGC gate for the last time

125. Sam, Daniel, O'Neill, Martouf/Lantash, Jacob/Selmak, Teal'c, any. The safety of everyone in the Galaxy is threatened by a new enemy. Earth has fallen, the Tok'ra are dead or scattered, and the same goes for the free Jaffa. Now Sam, O'Neill, and Daniel are dead too, and Teal'c is desperate for allies. That's when he learns all the people he rescued from Netu were clones, and the real ones may still be trapped, now in stasis pods on Delmak, where Apophis had put them.

126. Sam Carter, Teal'c, their homeworlds were gone and so was the rest of their team, but word had it that Bra'tac was still alive.

127. Ra, any. He had transported away from the ship at the last moment, and now he was going to take his revenge on the Tau'ri.

128. Sam, MartoufLantash, any. They were trapped, with no way to escape, and no way to communicate with the outside. The worst part? They had the information that would save the galaxy.

129. Nirrti, SG-1, any. Nirrti comes up with a virus that causes rabbits to become ferocious and blood-thirsty

130. Any. The Tau'ri kill off almost everyone on their planet with one of the alien weapons the SGC has found

131. Any Tok'ra, Jack O'Neill, any. "Would you really rather see both our people perish?"

132. Any Goa'uld. He had never expected to get in this situation, but it was the only option left. He had to cooperate with the Tau'ri and the Tok'ra!

133. Ba'al. And it happened just when he had everything prepared and was ready to take over. Why did they have to invade now?

134. Sam/Ba'al. All they had was each other

135. Prior!Ba'al. "Hallowed are the Ori!"

136. Any Prior!Tok'ra. "Hallowed are the Ori!"

137. Any Prior!Goa'uld. "Hallowed are the Ori!"

138. Prior!Jack. "Hallowed are the Ori!"

139. Jack, Daniel. The gas drifted across the land in waves.

140. Jack/Daniel, any Tok'ra. Blending in order to survive the plague

141. Sam. It all began with a phone call.

142. SG-1. This image.

143. SG-1. This image.

144. Daniel. He didn't look back as he jumped through the Stargate at the SGC one last time.

145. Jack, any. How could it look so beautiful and serene, when everyone was dead?

146. Malek, Jack. They were the only ones left, and now they somehow had to find a way to cooperate.

147. Sam, Daniel. They would be able to fix this, wouldn't they? After all, they were the geniuses. Jack always said that.

148. Teal'c, Sam. It would seem something had made them immune.

149. SG-1, Martouf/Lantash. It was probably due to the energy discharge, but it didn't really matter. Fact was that they now found themselves in a universe where Ra had never left.

150. Sam, any. She knew he would come back for her.

151. Sam|Jolinar. When they finally escaped, the Goa'uld had attacked and Earth was subjugated. The SGC was gone. They had to work together in order to survive - whether they wanted to or not.

152. Sam, any. She quickly got a feeling something was off with everyone else at the SGC, but when she finally realized what it was, it was far too late and all she could do was run.

153. Daniel &or/ Vala. She's seen the end of enough worlds to know what comes next

154. Sam Carter, any. Writing a manual on how to survive the apocalypse is a strange hobby, but Sam has a strange life

155. Sam &or/ Teal'c. Of course the world ended today, everything else had been going so well

156. Sam &or/ Cam. I told you something like this would happen!

157. Cam, any. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

158. Sam/Janet. She's established, at least, that they're both still alive... but just where the hell are all the men?

159. SG-1, any. The world outside has ended, the Stargate's offline, and s/he's trapped alone in the base.

160. SG-1, any. Babel; they're all still here, but what's the good of that when none of them can communicate with each other?

161. Sam/Daniel. Just before the world ends, they escape through the Stargate and end up a year back in time, with no idea how or what happened. They're expecting to have to avoid their past selves; they're not expecting to discover that neither of them ever existed.

162. SG-1, any. This time destruction came from within.

163. Sam/Martouf|Lantash. "I'm sorry, but I still cannot connect to the Tau'ri chaapa'ai."

164. SG1, any. They were the last to get out

165. Tok'ra, any. When there had been no response from Earth after several signals had been sent, the Tok'ra dispatched a teltac.

166. SG-1, mini!Sam/mini!Jack. They graduated the Air Force Academy just in time to watch the world end.

167. SG-1, Jack/Daniel. After days of searching for other signs of life, they finally find some cars, but there's nothing but a pile of dust in the driver's seats. Every one.

168. SG-1, any. The Goa'uld have conquered Earth, and there's nothing left to do but find some other people, if they are any, and mount a resistance. S/he just has to get out of this 'magically' sealed bunker to do it.

169. SG-1, any. The government decides that the Stargate is a threat, destroys it, and then sets about eliminating all personnel with too much knowledge.

170. Sam, Vala. They were the last to die, Sam after Vala. Presumably having been a host incurred partial immunity, or at least heightened resistance. Now Sam is dying too, and contemplating that she would probably have lived if she was still host to Jolinar. Of course, that would not have saved all the other, unblended, people.

171. Daniel, any. "But I only touched that one button!"

172. Jack, any. "You don't mean actual zombies, do you?"

173. Ba'al, SG-1, any. The failed to find and beam away the naquadah-laced Halcyon Tower and the explosion removed most of Seattle. After that it was no longer possible to hide the Stargate project, and panic ensued. Ba'al exploited the following chaos and disillusion and got himself elected to president/religious leader for most of Earth.

174. Ba'al/Sam, any. Ba'al's plan to conquer Earth from within succeeds, and Sam has to accept the position as his queen in an attempt to gather intelligence for the resistance

175. Ba'al, any. Someone stumbles on an underground facility with a large lab, and happen to release the twenty Ba'al clones that were in stasis. Now they carry out their revenge against the Tau'ri and the Tok'ra.

176. Any. The Goa'uld succeeded in starting a nuclear war between the US and Russia.

177. Ba'al, any Prior. "I am a god. Did you really think you could fool me?"

178. Martouf/Lantash, any. "How can we be the last?"

179. SG-1, Martouf/Lantash. Martouf stumbled through the Tau'ri Stargate, exhausted. He had already tried all the planets with Tok'ra bases, and they had all been deserted or the occupants dead. Everywhere there had been weapons damage left by an unknown weapon. Of course, it was only a matter of time before this new enemy arrived on Earth, determined as they were of killing any race in their new Galaxy who were advanced enough to potentially offer resistance to their rule.

180. Sam/Jolinar, any. "I am sorry, we have to leave - immediately."

181. SG-1, any. They could not trust anything they saw or heard.

182. SG-1, any. Eventually, even Sam admitted using the time machine could not make things worse.

183. SG-1, any. "But we've only been gone for two days! How can Earth have fallen/everyone outside be dead?"

184. Apophis, any. Somehow he had merged with some of the replicators after the crash on Delmak, and the resulting lifeform is both almost indestructible and possessed by an intense hatred towards Earth.

185. Sam, Hathor, any. What if Hathor had taken Sam as host in "Into the Fire"?

186. Jack O'Neill, any. Unknown to everyone, Dr. Raully failed to stop the symbiote from blending with Jack in "Out of Mind"/"Into the Fire". Perhaps Hathor had a sarcophagus and used it on him, reviving the symbiote? In any case, instead of killing Daniel and Sam, Jack/symbiote then returned to Earth with them, and soon brought down the SGC from within.

187. SG-1, any Tok'ra. They didn't know what was worst - the complete darkness or the constant sound of something moving around near them

188. Sam/Martouf/Lantash. At least they had each other.

189. Sam, Martouf/Lantash, any. They made it out at the very last moment.

190. Any Tok'ra. Question was, was anyone else left?

191. Any Tok'ra, any. When they woke up again, everything was silent. It was not a good kind of silent.

192. Any. The Trust's attempt to increase the efficiency of the symbiote poison resulted in a poison that upon contact with the humidity in the air became as dangerous to humans as it was to symbiotes. This was not discovered until a group of religious fanatics wanting to bring about the end of the world happened upon a cache of the poison, and started using it indiscriminately. On Earth.

193. Seth, SG-1, any. Instead of dying, Seth jumped into Daniel without anyone knowing.

194. Any. Nirrti's treachery isn't discovered, and while Sam saves the life of Cronus, the Goa'uld still attack Earth. (AU of Fair Game)

195. SG-1, Aldwin, Martouf/Lantash, Jacob/Selmak, Sokar. Teal'c stops Aldwin from launching the bomb against Netu. Sokar survives, and before SG-1 etc. can make it back to either the Tok'ra or Earth, Sokar launches a devastating attack on Earth.

196. Any. The NID / rogue SG teams are not stopped and succeeds in antagonizing the Tollan, the Tok'ra, and the Asgard. With no allies left, Earth falls to the next attack launched by the Goa'uld.

197. Any. AU of Upgrades. SG-1 fails to destroy Apophis's new mothership, and he uses it to lay waste to Earth and conquer it.

198. Sam. Her survival is a fluke, nothing more.

199. Vala /& Daniel. She wasn't Sam, or Jack, or Teal'c, or even Cam - but at some point she had bought into the whole 'don't leave anyone behind' and that meant dragging him to the ends of the universe if she had to and whether he wanted to come along or not.

200. Vala. The Tau'ri Homeworld was just another planet that was conquered by the Goa'uld, but somehow it mattered more to her.

SGA Prompts

201. Sheppard/any or gen. John never expected to be the one who survived.

202. Any Atlantis members. Atlantis comes home to a devastated Earth.

203. Sheppard, Carter & McKay. They were desperately trying to find their siblings.

204. Carter/Sheppard. “I want you here. I don't care if it's a hundred degrees and every blade of grass dies. Without you, none of that matters to me.” ― Kami Garcia

205. Sheppard/Any. "When she had died, his anchor was gone and the world had burned from his untethered insanity.” ― Cedric Nye, Jango's Anthem

206. SGA. Any pairing or Gen. Sterility Plague didn't work on a few of the Asgard encountered in the Pegasus Galaxy (ep 5x11 "Lost Tribe"). (Fic can be set during any season/timeline)

207. John/Nancy. Nancy is one of the few survivors who make it to Atlantis.

208. John/Nancy. Working together against the Goa'uld.

209. Laura Cadman, go figure that the apocalypse would come while she's on rotation on Earth rather than on Atlantis. How is she supposed to get back there with no ZPM and no ship?

210. Sheppard/Teyla. When he woke up that queen, he didn't know he would start an apocalypse. (Season 1)

211. Teyla. She has been a leader, a friend, a lover and a mother. When the world ends, she becomes a destroyer.

212. Ronon/Any. The loss of his homeworld and his fiancé was nothing compared to the destruction of the galaxy at the hands of his best friend.

213. Carter/Sheppard. When she joined the Atlantis Expedition because McKay had broken his leg and had to cancel, she'd told herself it'd only be for one year or until they reconnected with Earth. But then they lost the city to the Genii and the world was turned upside down. (Alternate season 1 - not sure if it totally counts as apocalypse, but you could add that Anubis' attack on Dakara works without Sam present in season 8 of SG-1.)

214. Carter/Sheppard. The superhive succeeded. Earth and Atlantis are under control of the Wraith. Humans have been reduced to breeders to produce new livestock for the Wraith. But even in this Orwellian new world, behind lock and key, a fire is rising.

215. Michael Kenmore. The Lantians changed his whole physiology, but they still didn't trust him, his fellow Wraith rejected him, and so did Teyla - the one person who he thought understood him.

216. Sheppard/Ronon. The two of them are stuck on a planet with early 20th century technology, and their arrival caused a worldwide war. To top it off no one knows which planet they're on.

217. Teyla/Sheppard/Ronon. They had gotten so far, but this looked like the end of it all.

218. Teyla, any. Scavenging for the right ingredients for a proper tea, keeping her P-90 operational, and other challenges faced by post-apocalyptic women everywhere.

219. Lorne, any. The ability to move Atlantis to another planet kind of takes the sting out of global warming, but at least the scientists are happy to find a dying world and the sunsets are spectacular.

220. Weir &or/ Sheppard. This time there would be no way to stop the Wraith.

221. Teyla, any. It was not the first time her whole world had collapsed.

222. SGA, Sheppard, Dave. He found his brother in a pool of blood ten days after the world leaders surrendered.

223. SGA, Sheppard. The gene therapy turns out to have a time limit on it, and anyone who has recieved it dies whether it worked for them or not.

224. SGA, Sheppard/Ronon(/& Teyla). Atlantis is gone and they are the only survivors, but Teyla was off-world at the time and there's a chance she's still alive.

225. Weir, any. They received a badly scrambled message from Earth, and then nothing.

226. Sam. One of the teams brought back a plague to Atlantis, and it did not take long before she was the only one left alive, probably due to the naquadah in her blood or possibly changes made by Jolinar when she was her host. She didn't know if the plague had spread to Earth, but it was likely. One crew member had returned there shortly before the plague broke out, and now no one responded when she tried to contact Earth.

227. Any. While on Earth, the cloak hiding Atlantis fails. Panic ensues.

228. Any. Returning Atlantis to Earth activated a hidden auto-destruct - and not just in Atlantis. McKay believed it had been placed there as a security measure against the Wraith getting to the Milky Way, but that would not help the dead.

229. Sheppard & Carter. They're flying around the Moon in a Jumper when it happens.

230. Sheppard. He *really* hated cryptic messages.

231. Sheppard/Mitchell. Somehow this... whatever it was he and Sheppard were doing, was more surprising than the end of Earth.

232. Teyla. The attack came in the middle of her interview with the IOA.

233. Sheppard/any. The woods were strangely empty.

234. Ronon/any. He'd lost everything before. Now he's losing it all again.

235. McKay/any. He'd been lonely before when the world was full of people. It's different now.

SGU Prompts

236. Scott, Eli & Greer, or any. They had a running debate about life on board Destiny being like a mini-apocalypse, only without zombies. That is, until the zombies showed up.

237. SGU, Any. When the crew first met them, they seemed so benevolent.

238. Any. When the crew of Destiny finally make it back, Earth is gone.

Crossover Prompts

239. Any/Any. A ship is safe in the harbor but that's not what it's built for.

240. Any. “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."

241. Any. "This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper.” ― T.S. Eliot

242. SG-1 or SGA. Any pairing or Gen. Why does the Apocalypse look like Utopia?

243. SG-1 or SGA. Any pairing or Gen. Why does the Apocalypse look like Costco?

244. SG-1 or SGA. Any pairing or Gen. Slept Through the Apocalypse

245. SG-1 or SGA. Any pairing or Gen. Mistaken for Apocalypse

246. Cam & John & Sam. It would have almost been like a road trip, if they hadn't been the only ones on the road.

247. Mitchell/Sheppard. It was John's first vacation on Earth after Atlantis returned to Pegasus, which meant that *of course* everything went to hell.

248. SGA, Mitchell/Sheppard. They're in Kansas visiting his family when the news comes.

249. Sheppard/Mitchell/Dex. Cam isn't dealing with the loss of Earth, Ronon decides to do something about it, and John pretty literally ends up in the middle.

250. SG-1(/SGA)/The Last Ship, any. While Dr. Scott and the USS Nathan James are en route to the Arctic to search for the primordial strain in the hopes of making a cure for the worldwide pandemic, the SGC are quietly evacuating people to their off-world bases.

251. SG-1/SGA(/any), Sheppard &/ Teyla &/ Mitchell, any. They're on the wrong side of the country from San Franscico, the SGC is a crater, and there's a deadly virus who's killing just about everyone.

252. SG-1/SGA, any. The Goa'uld fight directly above Earth causing worldwide destruction, and the winner takes as many Tau'ri as they can as hosts/slaves/whatever and leaves the planet. Earth 5 years later. Who survived and how is the resistance doing?

253. SG-1/SGA, Carter & Ronon. He was just catching a ride from the hotel to the meeting when the city was suddenly attacked from orbit.

254. John &or/ Cam. They're going to run out of food before they run out of ammo.

255. Sam/Elizabeth. They've been trained to survive, no matter what happens or what they've lost, and that's what they're going to do.

256. SGA/Numb3rs, Lorne/Colby. Evan is on Earth leave when the political unrest boils over and suddenly weapons that were never meant to be used on this world is destroying it.

257. SGA/SG-1, any. There was a running joke at both the SGC and on Atlantis that if SG-1 and Team Sheppard worked together (again) the world would end because their good luck would cancel eachother out. Turns out they were right.

258. SGA/SG-1, Ronon and Teal'c. Midway AU. They were unable to stop the Wraith, the 'Gate is unavailable, and they're forced to leave the SGC if they want to live.

259. SGA/SG-1, Teyla and Sheppard. They're on loan to an SGC team when they get the message that Earth is gone.

260. SG-1/Farscape, Sam/Aeryn. Sam knows after only a moment that this isn't Vala, but here, now, where she has nothing left, even the semblance of a familiar face is better than nothing.

261. Mitchell/Sheppard. "Do you ever wonder/about the last thing you'll do/the thing you won't get to think about, go over and over/until it's worn to a shine or spent" - Bob Hicok.

prompts, admin

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