Jun 20, 2006 12:53
okay so france is indeed strange they use a fork and knife for salads which are nothing but lettuce but then for a tart they use a spoon... but otherwise its really cool. the food is amazing, my sister is toally cool so are my mum and bro but whats strange is that my bros girlfriends name is the same as my sis. the one part that sucked yesterday was when justine was like lets go for a walk but what she said was a walk was a hike up what seemed the higest hill in allevard and i was so freaking tired by the end of it. When we finally got back i went swimming,it was cool. at night we watched an italien film in french it was cool. i also tlked to my mum for a while when justine went running cause she has to for skating she goes to a figure skating academy in france and recently in a cmpetition came second in france, tommorow i am going to annecy for the faites de la musique... i will return here on friday! totally not looking forward to drving for an hour down the most craziest mountains it gives me a headache.. off to eat CREPES FOR LUNCH