May 03, 2006 19:40
so as my T.V is busted the light tube is spoilt.. luckily for me though i have this computer that plays Dvd, I can connect to the sattelite dish and even connect the VCR if i really wanted. My parents said they cannot afford to the fix the tv anytime soon.. which i understand so this comp is my life : my tv and my comp, my life. I need the computer this week more than ever.. i need breaks this damn week so freaking busy.. as daniel deemed the
hell week" i have so much shit. english Litrature, quiz- tommorow, Modern euro the day after. Also need to get my car fixed ans sort stuff with insurance stuff, have math test coming up, i am freaked wisconsin credit union on Fiday and mischa was just about to get down when this lady backed into my car. at an angle cause she did not know how to fucking back off, she agreed it was her fault but her insurance company was being extremely shitty.They are like you are a teenager it must be your fault, although not quite that way,.. I wanted to scream fuck you bitch on the phone....