What was the point of informing all of his Glacian war cohorts that they were staying at his apartment if he wasn't going to actually entertain them? Jono very rarely did anything that even remotely resembled 'having a social life,' or even 'entertaining company,' but when he had Momoko, Dinah, Raven, Karla, and Warren all staying under his roof,
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What, she was giving Dinah the eyes, she was supposed to resist that?
Joni seemed to be okay with this possibility, of course.
Jono could handle gore. Blow your insides out through your chest a few times and see how squeamish you got when faced with it.
"Are we talking ketchup, or colored syrup?" Dinah grinned a little. "Tony used to critique the hell out of horror movies when we'd watch them. But working on the Raymond Dark series would do that."
Altogether too thick to be remotely believable. Or even really recognizable as blood.
The musicians always died around the same time as the non-virgin blondes, too. Wasn't that the case?
"Which is so unfair. How often in real life is anyone going to know if you are or not? This is why I love Wendy the Werewolf Stalker. Even if her first morning-after sucked."
"Never was much of a fan," Jono admitted, shrugging. "I had bigger concerns around the time it was on the air, really."
"It's been a while for me... but 'tis the creepy season. Maybe I'll watch some again. It's fun to watch things where you know how they'll come out." She nodded to the TV. "Like this, where I assume the fence is eventually demolished, only to rise again in The Fencening."
"Seems to be a fair assumption," he decided. "After all, these things do have to leave themselves open for sequels, in case the franchise actually turns out to be popular, somehow."
Really, the only one that mattered, if you asked Jono.
"I'm going to steer clear from dressing up this year, I think. Not in the mood to spend my Halloween as someone or something else again."
Because he'd always been a bit of a Petey Sci-Fi fan, so sue him.
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