Something glorious and ludicrous is going down this weekend.
You may be aware that indie games blog
TIGSource is having a
B-game Competition. You may also be aware that I run a
website dedicated to celebrating and creating more of that sort of thing.
It seems clear that if I don't manage to pull out something magnificent for this contest, I may as well just shut my website down. So, I had an idea. A terrible, awesome idea. And I need your help to see it through.
The Team Glorious Trainwrecks Dot Com entry into the competition will be called "The 100-In-1 Klik & Play Pirate Kart", and it will consist of 100 small, terrible games made in two hours using Klik & Play. (You don't actually have to use Klik and Play, but the two hour time limit is firm.) Furthermore, as time is short and it will never happen without an even more insane deadline, all 100 games will be made this weekend. As further incentive, I am even offering prizes (in the form of terrible videogames in the mail) for those who contribute most greatly to our glorious cause.
Join us! If you're not up to cranking out lots of random-ass games this weekend, then consider at least doing one or two. It's great fun.
Further details are
available on Glorious Trainwrecks Dot Com.
You know you want to be in on this! IT IS YOUR DESTINY.