Tomorrow my boyfriend leaves for bootcamp.
I felt emotionaly "constipated" for awhile, but now I seem to have taken some emotional exlax or something.
I can hardly stop crying. So I keep myself busy with cleaning and making small talk with my mom.
I found a way to get my pictures onto my computer, but they are no longer in any order. So here they are.
My reading material for the plane.
Alt my Carlsbad.
My mom incase you didn't know.
My friends are oh so glamerous.
A view from my future home.
My dearest auntie, my favorite restraunt (Mr. A's), and another view from my future home.
Where all of my money went.
A view from "the spot" where lots of first times happened.
Bubble tea with...BUBBLE STUFF! ew.
The staple food of my life.
Eating away sorrows. My cousin does that a lot.
It was staged, but I did spend a lot of time on the couch.
The Shakespeare Conservatory, 3rd ####### witch, Banquo, and Third Murderer.
Why yes, that IS the real old globe rehersal hall. Plays such as The
Grinch, Damn Yankees, and Dirty Scandrouls have all been rehersed in
J street. He first told me he loved me there. She made out with his brother there.
GRANOLA! It was damn good granola. Probably the best I've had.
"THEY DONT LOVE YOU LIKE I LOVE YOU!" He still didn't come out of his house.
He's closer to the stars than I'll ever be.
I hate when people let their animals eat out of their dishes.
He's heavy. So we robbed him and went to jack in the box.
How could you live like that my dear?
Circus freak.
Cog stopped me. He said he liked me the way I am.
"Jason I'm going to take a picture of you okkkay?" I was facinated by the man.
The end.