Dear LJ,
I forgot to tell you about what happened during the day last Saturday! Matt and I went grocery shopping, and we got into a checkout lane behind and elderly couple. They were checking out and happened to forget their eggs which they placed on the counter but not on the belt, so Matt saved their eggs from getting left behind. So the couple checked out, and then when we got to the register, the cashier asked us if we knew who the elderly man was. And we were like, no...and I assumed it was some dean or something. Nope. That man? He was Jim Davis the creator of Garfield!
I knew he lived in the area, but I never expected him to be at the same grocery store checking out at the same time.
So that, LJ, is my celebrity encounter of the year.
Also, Lindsay Lohan is going to jail...for six days. I think she needs something longer than six days.