Do not feel like sleeping or eating either apparently, thanks body.
[Last night went to see The Cat and the Owners of The Cat and drank wine and ate cake] the cat one cat owner and cat visitor
my brain decided that i wanted to be awake until dawn; my girlfriend decided that i wanted to hear her snoring over the relaxing music i'd valiantly stuffed into my ears; my body decided that i would be too tired to get up and walk to the gym; i then woke up at noon. thanks. waste. of. everything. so no gym. at least i got to wear a vest. and shorts.
Went to the wellcome institute with ruthi, having arranged last night while drunk that we were going to do this
Making Nature featured taxidermy and parrots trying to tell humanity about their culture. A video that ended in a quote from Alex the African Grey. Apparently a piece of internet/animal behaviour ephemera only I remember. hiding fox wig encyclopedia (i used to love this categorisation shit) aphophrycal badger owl post-natural alcoholic rat paper teeth birdsong they had a dress-up-and-selfie section and i will never turn down the opportunity to get other people's lice on me gift shoppe getting weird
tomorrow is tdov. i've blogged and am waiting on photos from jess, who is furious with me for... being in my own house i guess? but not being home yesterday, when it would have been convenient to her. anyway. once i have the photos i can queue that shit up, get sleeping pills in me, and have another crack at sleeping.