Oct 24, 2016 21:23
We have a new washing machine, I have some four-inch high Christmas trees, a 90s bomber jacket that looks like a 1945 bomber jacket and, combined with new corduroy shirt and pale jeans and biker boots makes me look "LIKE AN EXTRA FROM MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO" (ie, suitably like a rent boy), nothing is on fire, I just started my first ever actual legal parliamentary petition (requesting it to be a legal requirement for newspapers to print corrections AT THE SAME SIZE AS THE ERRORS), and in under three hours (00:00 25/10/16 GMT) there's a video review by me and Rich Johnston of Dr Strange on BleedingCool.com, which will probably be excruciatingly embarrassing to watch back and which is definitely interrupted by multiple homeless folks who wanted to have a chat (one was called Kaz, we didn't get introduced to anyone but her).
I have failed to write any more on my pointless and slightly spiteful Sam/Bucky fic owing to brain death incurred by general anesthesia and my ongoing exhaustion but am shouting cheerfully at Liza about pirate sodomy so that's good.
Also by the time I get around to eating this bone broth it will have been cooking for about 36 hours which IMO means it will be the best bone broth ever.
shameless self-promotion