The plain ones when they're hot are the famous ones. If you're in the specific circumstance of having them hot and readily available, and being with someone who has contagious enthusiasm, I'd advise you to try.
I am happy to help people divide up cinnamon-sugar themed foods so I can enjoy a portion!
Category identities are fundamentally weird. They bundle all of these disparate categories of genetics and culture and accomplishments and preferences into "You are defined by this!" (And don't talk to me about the idea of never writing again. I'm half-convinced I'll never do anything creative again and just spend forever surrounded by fancy art supplies with people wondering when I'm going to get the next story published, but I can't, because I've somehow hollowed that part out and replaced it with pure vacuum-of-space nothingness, and I'm not entirely sure what I did or how to fix it.)
I read The Next Big One very recently, and was all feeling for characters and finding them emotionally compelling, and actually relating to many things about them, and caring very much what happened to them, so obviously you can.
TBH I'm just not that big on deep-fried sweet batter. Don't really like churros a great deal either ;)
I managed to push through to some actual plotting progress the other night in the midst of grim insomnia so I'm feeling a little more positive about that now? I am pretty sure though that these "I will never create again" spells are just there to make sure we focus on other shit occasionally. Or edit something.
I hate editing. Can I just panic continuously about my complete and total lack of creativity until like July of next year? I think that's the best plan.
I hate editing too. So I'm giving you until I have to edit Heavy, and then if your brain hasn't stopped upsetting you with a dry spell we both have to edit together. And it will be awful.
I am happy to help people divide up cinnamon-sugar themed foods so I can enjoy a portion!
Category identities are fundamentally weird. They bundle all of these disparate categories of genetics and culture and accomplishments and preferences into "You are defined by this!" (And don't talk to me about the idea of never writing again. I'm half-convinced I'll never do anything creative again and just spend forever surrounded by fancy art supplies with people wondering when I'm going to get the next story published, but I can't, because I've somehow hollowed that part out and replaced it with pure vacuum-of-space nothingness, and I'm not entirely sure what I did or how to fix it.)
I read The Next Big One very recently, and was all feeling for characters and finding them emotionally compelling, and actually relating to many things about them, and caring very much what happened to them, so obviously you can.
I managed to push through to some actual plotting progress the other night in the midst of grim insomnia so I'm feeling a little more positive about that now? I am pretty sure though that these "I will never create again" spells are just there to make sure we focus on other shit occasionally. Or edit something.
I hate editing. Can I just panic continuously about my complete and total lack of creativity until like July of next year? I think that's the best plan.
I will cruelly appreciate your writing at you!
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