if i wrote about my experiences as fiction no one would want to read. i mean, no one wants to read what i write anyway, but they would not be interested. not because the events are uninteresting or i can't tell an anecdote, just that i have no inner life
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That's some complicated stuff. You've had a lot of your life being taught to expect brutal punishment based on arbitrary criteria, and it makes sense that it would still take up a lot of your brain. I've seen how you tread people, so you definitely have compassion and value people beyond your ability to control them, but it sounds like you have trouble dealing with the emotional discomfort of them caring about you, because you're used to everything somehow working out to "I will be punished for this." (If a negative result seems inevitable, it's often more stressful to be stuck in "How will it hit me?" uncertainty than to know exactly what's coming.)
I'm going to disagree with you on the good, relatable characters front. You write brilliantly, and haven't become popular because of the vagaries of the publishing market, and how quality isn't always rewarded by popularity. (I mean who's a better writer - E.L. James, or John Kennedy Toole?
(If a negative result seems inevitable, it's often more stressful to be stuck in "How will it hit me?" uncertainty than to know exactly what's coming.)
Hood again: children will actively form attachments to CONSISTENTLY abusive parents over inconsistently kind ones because what they need is certainty more than kindness. :(
(I mean who's a better writer - E.L. James, or John Kennedy Toole?
my internalised tumblr politics voice just cried misogyny over this so i'm replacing EL James with Dan Brown, but the result remains the same. ho hum. (i just wish there was a vogue for sad stories about boys having mental breakdowns without realising it instead of "three-part series about boys kissing").
Yeah, and retraining yourself over something basic is way more complicated than "I am intellectually aware that is distorted, so problem solved!"
Hood again: children will actively form attachments to CONSISTENTLY abusive parents over inconsistently kind ones because what they need is certainty more than kindness.
That makes sense. Human brains are wired to survive in desperate circumstances, even if that backfires under non-desperate circumstances.
(i just wish there was a vogue for sad stories about boys having mental breakdowns without realising it instead of "three-part series about boys kissing").
If "Having a mental breakdown without realizing it" was a popular genre, I'd be set! (Except for my tendency to write "Actually, is isn't in your head, it's reality that's gone weird.")
Your version of my favoured genre (fistbump!) is REALLY SCARY ahaha.
You haven't read my "Character is having a mental breakdown without realizing it and also something massively weird with reality is happening, therefore making it ever harder to sort out what's real" stuff.
also ew well done top-notch bodyhorror
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