May 04, 2016 18:14
While going stark raving mad with the sheer number of things I am supposed to be waiting for other people to do (pay raise: no word on this but it is due in a month?! when are they going to talk to me about this?; referral letter to surgeon: overdue; the stupid subscription box I am signed up for has been very late this month and I don't want to hassle them and I can't remember my login info; feedback on the MS I am meant to be editing just about all fucking vanished there until I threw a tantrum) I elected to a) throw the aforementioned internet tantrum and b) just move on with publishing since that's the one area where I do in fact have a modicum of control.
I suspect calling the clinic and emailing the subscription people cannot be put off forever. At some point I even have to ask my boss what's happening re: pay.
Am beginning to understand how people end up leaving their journals unupdated for months. I have nothing edifying to contribute, I am still viewing "recover from eating disorder" as "failure" and trying to handle various issues by, once again, pretending they don't real in the hope that they will go away, further hampered by the "CONSIDER *MY* FEELINGS" response I anticipate from other people at all times.
mental health,
derek has the crazy,
miseophilos infestation