I'm more or less fine now but after drinking more than I intended at Ruthi's [and then sitting down in the middle of the road in Walthamstow because I really was that drunk] and drinking more than anyone ever intended at Susanne's [and eating half a massive chocolate cake but not sitting in any roads] I've been becoming unnecessarily belligerent with cis men in particular which is POSSIBLY related to the fact that no matter which gender I'm read, whether they're straight or gay, as I'm apparently THE WORST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO THEM--
mate i will come down to your stupid fucking level and i will feed you your own left foot, i'm not taking your shitty fucking judgements
--anyway the game of "challenging all my assumptions about the kind of person I am and the kind of things that means I have to put up with" is exhausting but occasionally yields results. The "find out what you like and what you believe" game is throwing me, occasionally, into conflict with people and I dislike conflict massively so that's ... less easy to deal with.
Book goes chug chug chug. Just finished the character perspective outline, tomorrow I get to grid that shit up and get the timeline in better order and probably rewrite the whole thing again. I threw out a bunch of clothes and INCORPORATED A NEW EXERCISE into my REGIME which would have been more productive had I not been attempting it while still crucified by my hangover.
Dreams have been fucking harsh (I blame the booze), including one where I had two instances of waking into another dream (at one point because the dream I was having was so bad that my own sleeping brain couldn't handle it), and it's just generally very fraught in there. Also spent a while flopping about on the bathroom floor naked and freezing last night as the tail end of drunk hit me simultaneously with unproductive nausea, paranoia, and a headache that appeared to emanate from my eyeballs, sinuses, and teeth and be trying to kill me -- I think I shall be Not Drinking for a little while until I've stopped feeling like I'm on the verge of death so much and also until I have regained the ability to Stop Drinking Before I'm Too Drunk To Make Good Decisions.
On the plus side my hair is outstanding and I'm getting the hang of standing up straight even if I have to remind myself to do it every three seconds and even if it feels broadly unnatural.