Sep 23, 2013 07:17
20. A difficult time in your life
Owing to the nature of my whiny, present-focussed, perpetually-self-pitying brain, I usually think whenever things are horrid that it is a difficult time. "Things" may very well just be internal weather. And of course when shit was actually, genuinely, externally difficult, crisis-management kicked in and I stopped thinking that things were difficult. I suppose when I was five, in a foreign country, my mother had dysentry, and I'd just managed to get myself bitten by a fucking stray dog, that was a difficult time - but it's the past, so it feels positively hilarious now. That's the crux of it, if something isn't happening RIGHT THIS MINUTE NOW, it's not real.
But for the sake of the meme: I think school, secondary school, was probably a very difficult time. You've already heard far too much about it and are probably very bored by it.
boo hoo my tragic childhood,