If you have iPlayer I strongly suggest watching the Wild Arabia progs. because despite being occasionally patronising they are really pretty and see subject line.
It depends on what you're looking for. If you want validation via sales it can be more widely rewarding than fanfic or putting original work up directly as people seem to view ebooks as more legitimate than html, and print as more legitimate than ebooks. If you want to make an amount of money which will sustain anything forget it, I know plenty of people who've self-published and I only know one of them who actually makes even close to minimum wage from it. Formatting for Kindle is reasonably easy if you're not including a table of contents, so the only real hassle there is getting an image to use for the cover: formatting for print is a little more complicated but Lulu and various places have simple templates both for the interiors and for the covers.
I think it's probably worth the trouble mainly because it isn't a great deal of trouble: the rewards aren't huge, but you do get some people buying and I think - or I hope - in your case quality of writing will speak for itself.
I'm partly interested in it as a way of getting myself to write more - I think that the whole "I've written this and had it edited, so now I can put it out there" thing might be more motivating than "I've written this and had it edited and sent it out and gotten the no-reply rejections and now it'll sit on my hard drive forever". I also have some long-shot ideas of eventually building up to significant professional success, but I think I'm pretty realistic about them (trying to get successful writing fiction is always a long shot, and I'm aware that making the transition from "Twenty people I know all bought it" to serious professional success is improbable at best). I wouldn't be doing it with any real expectation of making noticeable amounts of money.
Comments 15
I think it's probably worth the trouble mainly because it isn't a great deal of trouble: the rewards aren't huge, but you do get some people buying and I think - or I hope - in your case quality of writing will speak for itself.
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