Aug 02, 2012 21:04
Diary-keeping continuously since 1997 has had a lot of advantages in terms of teaching me to work thoughts through to the end, in terms of communicating at all, and in terms of holding myself accountable for past beliefs and understanding that I will change both my mind and my persona as time passes rather than pretending that I have always believed one thing or always behaved in a certain way. Indeed, presenting myself with a continual imagined audience as I compose things in my head doesn't just improve my writing, it helps to tether a sense of self that I don't generally have without external validation.
The downsides of this are that the internal validation audience does tend to vary in keeping with mood swings and so on and thus if I'm already feeling shitty it's a little like having a chorus of imaginary friends turn into imaginary enemies who won't let you run away. The other is that perpetually composing - if not actually writing - posts does feel depressingly like I have to report back on every thought that passes through my head.
Today has been a bit shit really. The only good part was reading about 6 chapters in the bath and that's over now as well.
derek has the crazy,
something is wrong in my head