I can hear a fucking peacock outside somewhere

Jan 07, 2012 14:13

Of course they are so bloody loud that there's no way of knowing where the bastard thing is.

Blog post

How To write Gay Characters In Your Mainstream Fiction: A Guide For A Friend. Slightly tongue-in-cheek in places, as the title should hopefully imply.

After accidentally staying up until 5am I somewhat overslept today (intention: get up at 8.30am, before the builder gets here. Reality: get up at 1pm, after the builder leaves), but I still happily remember the awesome song I made up at 3am, which goes: "soy una pera, soy una pera, soy una pera rosita; soy una pera, soy una pera, soy una pera azulita; soy una pera, soy una pera, soy una pera con queso; soy una pera, soy una pera, soy una pera en la hacienda, la hacienda de los huevos!"

Or in English: I am a pear, I am a pear, I am a little pink pear; I am a pear, I am a pear, I am a little blue pear; I am a pear, I am a pear, I am a pear with cheese; I am a pear, I am a pear in the house, the house of eggs!

This happened because Stan was trying to explain that "que es pera" and "que espera" are two very different things, and I went I AM A PEAR so many times that she gave up.

Anyway, our shower has been fixed now, I potentially have a job starting "sometime" next week (unsurprisingly they're having problems rolling out their database software. Because this hasn't totally happened in every single [data entry] job I've had or anything), the world does not appear to be ending of weather in quite the same way it was last weekend, and I have legwarmers.

Now I just need a calendar, to tell me what to do and when to do it, and someone with a big stick to make me DO the things I am supposed to be doing.

obnoxious angry queer, blogs, language, links, writing, spackglish

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